Modification of the algorithm for Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Experiments without ANOVA [1] applied to gene regulatory network (GRN) inference.
Tested on MATLAB R2016a with the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
- genes = cell array (# of genes,1) of genes names.
- transcription factors = cell array (# of TFs, 1) of TFs names.
- expressiondata = numeric matrix (# of genes, # of conditions) of the gene expression data.
- Net = Inferred network write as 3-column cell array
- Column 1 = Regulator
- Column 2 = Target Gene
- Column 3 = score of the interaction (the higher the score, the more likely the interaction)
[1] Hernandez, Hugo. "Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Experiments without ANOVA." ForsChem Research Reports 5 (2018). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21499.00803
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