Implementation of the algorithm for inferring gene regulatory networks by ANOVA [1] and its variation applying a non-parametric Friedman Test [2] instead of a Two-way ANOVA.
Tested on MATLAB R2016a with the Parallel Computing Toolbox.
- genes = cell array (# of genes,1) of genes names.
- transcription factors = cell array (# of TFs, 1) of TFs names.
- expressiondata = numeric matrix (# of genes, # of conditions) of the gene expression data.
Net_a = Inferred network write as 3-column cell array
- Column 1 = Regulator
- Column 2 = Target Gene
- Column 3 = non-linear correlation coefficient derived from an analysis of variance (Two-way ANOVA)
Net_f = Inferred network write as 3-column cell array
- Column 1 = Regulator
- Column 2 = Target Gene
- Column 3 = non-parametric, non-linear correlation coefficient derived from a Friedman Test
[1] Küffner R, Petri T, Tavakkolkhah P, Windhager L, Zimmer R. Inferring gene regulatory networks by ANOVA. Bioinformatics. 2012;28:1376–82.
[2] Hoffman JIE. Chapter 26 - Analysis of Variance II. More Complex Forms. In: Hoffman JIE, editor. Biostatistics for Medical and Biomedical Practitioners. Academic Press; 2015. p. 421–47. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-802387-7.00026-3.
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