Random midi generator based on Markov Chains. (Make heavy use of Midilib)
The model is quite simple: from a set of songs, a |Note, Duration| graph will be generated where the edges will indicate the probability of transitions between two of these states. A graph will be generated for each instrument on the input set of midifiles.
A song is generated randomically from an inital state, picking the subsequent states according the indicated probability.
More inform about Markov Chains : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain
gem install musikov
or, in order to update the gem:
gem update musikov
You may need root privileges to install the gem.
First launch the musikov passing a midi file, or a folder containg midi files, as the main argument:
$ musikov generate -r path-to-midis [-o output_file]
The musikov will output a random midi file named output.mid (by default), or the indicated file if the option '-o' is used.
- Define an option for the duration of the songs by time or by number of notes.
- Maybe classify different sacles in order to aproximate a generated song to the predominant scale.
Andre Fonseca [email protected]
Simplified BSD