I was forunate to get a version a version 1.0 board requiring no soldering. Then I followed DrZzs video to learn how to enter flash mode. This takes some practice and I didn't bother with putty.
Custom firmware to integrate with an MQTT Broker. The Broker would typically integrate with your Home Automation system
Device will respond to MQTT messages and onboard Touch Switch
WiFi or MQTT drop outs are handled automatically
You can set a periodic reboot option to keep things fresh
1.4 Initial testing completed.
Flash SPIFFs to upload the configuration files - sonoff_LightSwitch/data/*.json. You may modify the contents prior to upload but not necessary
Flash firmware
Device will initially come up with its own Access Point called esp8266-xxxxxxx. Connect to this and configure WiFi parameters. Once saved, device will reboot and connect to your WiFi
See section Finding device IP Address -
Once device is connected to WiFi, connect to it using browser
Configure device parameters on web page and save
Once saved, device will reboot and reconnect to your WiFi -
Test device using MQTT messages and touch button. Once ok turn off debugging and upload new compiled firmware
See section Debug - Serial/Telnet output
Above steps above should be done over USB-->Serial interface until device is fully functioning
Future firmware updates can be performed over the air no need for USB-->Serial interface
Switch LivingRoomLight "Living Room Light" {mqtt=">[brk:cmnd/Light/LivingRoom:command:*:default], <[brk:stat/Light/LivingRoom:state:default]",autoupdate="false"}
The inbound "<" message helps to keep openHAB in sync with device status
To get the device IP address you have the following options:
1. Look at the Serial output where it will show on startup (assuming you have debug output turned on)
2. Look in your router
3. Try an mDNS browser app but this often takes time to get the ESP showing up
4. If already connected to WiFi and MQTT Broker, you can send a blank MQTT message as defined in user.h at "IP_REQUEST".
Each device will respond with a MQTT message such as defined with "IP/REPLY/<deviceID>" with the IP address in the payload.
You have two options after turning on SERIAL_DEBUG within sonoff_LightSwitch\src\User.h: Serial USB if connected Telnet if connected
Do not leave SERIAL_DEBUG enabled for normal use
Once device is connected to your WiFi, find its IP and connect to it through using a Browser
User/Password are stored in sonoff_LightSwitch/src/User.h and you can always modify and flash new firmware to change it
Follow on screen firmware update instructions to flash new firmware
I am simply reusing other peoples amazing work for instance the following libraries:
- PubSubClient
- WifiManager
- RemoteDebug
- ArduinoJson
- Adafruit Unified Sensor
- DHT sensor library
AND OF COURSE the many examples on github
My development environment is Atom with its builtin PlatformIO toolset. Its a fantastic build and debug environment.