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Geothermal Heat Flux Prediction in Greenland with Gradient Boosted Regression Trees

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This repo contains the data and code to reproduce the results published in:

Rezvanbehbahani S., L.A. Stearns, A. Kadivar, J.D. Walker, and C.J. van der Veen (2017), Predicting the Geothermal Heat Flux in Greenland: A Machine Learning Approach, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL075661.

The data for GHF map of Greenland (Figure 4 of the article) can be found in greenland_predictions.

To cite either of the data sets or the code, use the above citation.


The following are requirements to reproduce the results:

  • System wide: Python 2.7 with developer tools, Tk with developer tools, build toolchain.
  • Python packages: see requirements.txt
  • Basemap (tested with veresions 1.0.7 and 1.1.0), built from source. For automated procedures for Linux see Makefile which automatically detects the virtual environment from the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable.

On Debian/Ubuntu the following installs all requirements:

$ apt-get install python-dev build-essential tk tk-dev python-pip virtualenv
$ ... # git clone this repo; cd to repo
$ virtualenv env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env) $ make basemap-install


In later versions of basemap, if geos is installed in a virtual environment its lib directory must be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. To produce all figures in the paper:

(env) $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=env/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(env) $ python   # Figures 1 and 2
(env) $ python       # Figures 4, S5, S6
(env) $ python  # Figures 3, 5, S2, S3, S4


Each data set below contains the following continuous features:

  • age,
  • bougeur_gravity_anomaly,
  • depth_to_moho (depth to Mohorovičić discontinuity),
  • d_2_hotspot (distance to hotspots),
  • d_2_ridge (distance to ridge),
  • d_2_trans_ridge (distance to transform ridge),
  • d_2_trench (distance to trench),
  • d_2_volcano (distance to volcano),
  • d_2_young_rift (distance to young rift),
  • heat_prod_provinces (heat production provinces),
  • lithos_asthenos_bdry (lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary),
  • magnetic_anomaly,
  • thickness_crust,
  • thickness_middle_crust,
  • thickness_upper_crust,
  • topography,
  • upper_mantle_density_anomaly.

and three categorical features:

  • thermo_tecto_age (age of last thermo-tectonic event): allowed values are 1-12.
  • upper_mantle_vel_structure (upper mantle velocity structure): allowed values are 1-6.
  • rock_type (rock type): as per Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012), allowed values are: 1 (volcanic), 2 (metamorphic), 3 (sedimentary).

Data Sets

  • Global data (features and GHF): The global data set can be found at global.csv which contains feature values and GHF measurements from points predominantly outside of GrIS.
  • GrIS data (features): All GrIS data set can be found at gris_features.csv which contains feature values (no GHF) from points on GrIS.
  • GrIS ice cores (GHF): Latitude, longitude, and GHF measurements from ice cores in Greenland.
  • "Original" data: For both data sets above a more complete version is also included for posterity. The global data set differs from its corresponding original data set global_original.csv and the GrIS data set differs from gris_features_original.csv by:
    • For both global and GrIS data sets the following columns in original data sets are excluded:
      • _lithk_cona,
      • _num_in_cell,
      • _num_in_continent,
      • _lithology_HM_unmodified,
      • _depth_to_moho_pasyanos,
      • _depth_to_moho_?,
      • _airy_gravity_anomaly,
      • _continent,
    • The global data sets excludes two original global records with unknown rock type (rock_type == -9999).
    • Rock types (rock_type column) in original GrIS data set take values between 1-10, as per Dawes (2009), which are mapped in GrIS data set to the three values described above, as per Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012).
    • Rock types (rock_type column) in original global data set are taken by mapping the 16 values of _lithology_HM_unmodified, as per Hartmann and Moosdorf (2012), to the three values described above.


Geothermal Heat Flux Prediction in Greenland with Gradient Boosted Regression Trees






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