Hey folks, this is the repository to prepare a fully complete list of self explained and optimized codes for all important Data structure and Algorithms we frequently use. Only language accepted here is C++
- Star ⭐ the repository (not necessary but it helps maintainers).
- Fork 🍴 it.
- Create Branch 🌿 with your feature
with meaningful names. - Push changes.
- Submit Pull Request 😄.
- Codes should be only in C++.
- Appropriate comments should be included in the codes.
- Use of meaningful variable names is encouraged.
Follow this style guide to add sample programs:
Naming Style: For example if you are adding a code related to
Dynamic Programming
do give proper name eg-Knapsack-DP.cpp
and save it in under therelated folder
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Add the following comment header in every program. The comment header should always be at the top of program.
Author : this must be your name Date : Date format dd/mm/yyyy Time : Time format hh:mm Description : description should be small & one liner.