A Hyprland utility program that automatically switches between shaders.
It currently supports two shaders with configurable strengths:
- Night light (blue light filter) - based on location or custom times
- Vibrance - toggles digital vibrance based on currently active window
Click to expand
cargo install hyprlux
Click to expand
Add hyprlux to your flake inputs:
inputs = {
hyprlux = {
url = "github:amadejkastelic/Hyprlux";
Then import either the home manager module or nixos module:
imports = [
imports = [
And configure it:
{inputs, ...}: {
programs.hyprlux = {
enable = true;
systemd = {
enable = true;
target = "hyprland-session.target";
night_light = {
enabled = true;
# Manual sunset and sunrise
start_time = "22:00";
end_time = "06:00";
# Automatic sunset and sunrise
latitude = 46.056946;
longitude = 14.505751;
temperature = 3500;
vibrance_configs = [
window_class = "steam_app_1172470";
window_title = "Apex Legends";
strength = 100;
window_class = "cs2";
window_title = "";
strength = 100;
Click to expand
Install using your favorite AUR helper:
paru -S hyprlux
Hyprlux looks for configs in the following locations (sorted by priority):
- Path passed as first argument when running the binary
Example configurations are available in examples.
Either run it as a systemd service or include it in your hyprland exec-once config:
exec-once=hyprlux > /tmp/hyprlux.log 2>&1
Run cargo build