Features • Installation • Usage • Running • License
Find Bug Bounty Program In short Find BBP is a google crawler and tool that discovers bug Bounty Program via security.txt file by default and you can use custom dork
- Fast and powerful
- Find private program
- use custom dork
- output export as txt file
- sort tld domains
Find BBP requires python3 to install successfully. Run the following command to install:
git clone https://github.com/alyrezo/FindBBP
cd FindBBP
python -m pip install -r lib.txt
py FindProgram.py
py FindProgram.py -h
This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.
usage: FindProgram.py [-h] [--silence] [-n] [-d DORK] [-o OUTPUT] [-c COUNT] [-t TLD]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--silence Not displaying the banner
-n, --nonstop non stop crawling
-d , --dork for using your custom dork
-o , --output result export as txt file
-c , --count count of domains it finds
-t , --tld for sort Top-Level Domain
To run the tool, just use the following command.
py FindProgram.py --nonstop
py FindProgram.py --silence --count 10 --output url.txt
py FindProgram.py --silence --tld io
py FindProgram.py --silence --dork "responsible disclosure program"
Find BBP
is made with 💚 by the alyrezo