Compile from source PI/bmv2
- Follow instructions in the PI README to configure dependencies
- Configure, build and install PI:
./ ./configure --with-proto --with-cli make -j$(nproc) sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
- Follow instructions in the bmv2 README to configure dependencies
- Configure and build the bmv2 code; from the root of the repository:
./ ./configure --with-pi --without-nanomsg --disable-logging-macros --disable-elogger 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O3' 'CFLAGS=-g -O3' make -j$(nproc) sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
- Start mininet
make topo
- Start the controller (in another terminal)
make ctrl
- Start sending packets (from mininet)
mininet> h1 iperf3 -c h2