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Roseau is a fast and accurate tool designed to identify breaking changes between two versions of a library, similar to other tools like japicmp, RevApi or Clirr. It supports Java versions up to 21. In contrast with other tools, Roseau accepts source code as input in addition to pre-compiled JARs which are not always readily available or obtainable. This makes it particularly suitable for analyzing commits, pull requests, or local code in an IDE, as well as libraries hosted on software forges such as GitHub.

In a nutshell:

  • Roseau first extracts the API of each version of the library to analyze
  • Roseau then performs side-by-side comparison of the two API models to infer the list of breaking changes

Roseau's API models are lightweight, technology-agnostic, and can be easily serialized and stored for later analyses. API models embody the exported symbols of a software library (types, methods, and fields) and their properties. Roseau relies on a customized version of Spoon/JDT to extract API models from source code, and on ASM to extract API models from bytecode. The breaking change inference algorithm is completely agnostic of the underlying parsing technology.

Breaking changes

The list of breaking changes considered in Roseau is drawn from various sources, including the Java Language Specification, japicmp's implementation, Revapi's list of API Differences, the API evolution benchmark and our own tests. We consider both source-level and binary-level compatibility changes.


As a standalone CLI tool

$ git clone
$ mvn package appassembler:assemble
$ target/appassembler/bin/roseau --diff --v1 /path/to/version1 --v2 /path/to/version2
CLASS_NOW_ABSTRACT com.pkg.ClassNowAbstract
METHOD_REMOVED com.pkg.Interface.m(int)

Roseau supports different modes and output formats:

$ target/appassembler/bin/roseau
Usage: roseau [--api] [--diff] [--fail] [--verbose] [--format=<format>]
              [--json=<apiPath>] [--report=<reportPath>] --v1=<v1> [--v2=<v2>]
      --api               Serialize the API model of --v1; see --json
      --diff              Compute breaking changes between versions --v1 and --v2
      --fail              Return a non-zero code if breaking changes are detected
      --format=<format>   Format of the report; possible values: CSV, HTML, JSON
      --json=<apiPath>    Where to serialize the JSON API model of --v1; defaults to api.json
                          Where to write the breaking changes report
      --v1=<v1>           Path to the first version of the library; either a source directory or a JAR
      --v2=<v2>           Path to the second version of the library; either a source directory or a JAR
      --verbose           Print debug information

Git Integration

Roseau can easily be integrated with Git to compare arbitrary commits, refs, branches, etc. The following minimal .gitconfig registers Roseau as a difftool aliased to bc:

[difftool "roseau"]
  cmd = /path/to/roseau --diff --v1 "$LOCAL" --v2 "$REMOTE"
  bc = difftool -d -t roseau

Then, Roseau can be invoked on Git objects using the usual syntax, for example:

$ git bc                   # BCs in unstaged changes
$ git bc HEAD              # BCs in uncommitted changes (including staged ones)
$ git bc --staged          # BCs in staged changes
$ git bc path/to/ # BCs in specific file
$ git bc main..feature     # BCs between two branches
$ git bc HEAD~2 HEAD       # BCs between two commits


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