- 👋 Hi, I’m @ali-meesam23
- 👀 I’m interested in Quantitative Finance
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Deep Learning and NLP models for proactive signal generation in the equities market
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ML based signal generator to trade US stocks
- 📫 Reach me at [email protected] or datathread.ca
Risk Units Calculator App - Options Trading Designed and developed an innovative Risk Units Calculator App for optimizing options trading. Centralized risk calculation and management, enabling informed decision-making processes. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and visualization of potential profits and targets. Streamlined options trading strategy, enhancing the trading experience for both experienced and beginner traders. Link: https://riskunits.streamlit.app/ | https://github.com/ali-meesam23/streamlit_riskunit
MacroEconomic Dashboard App Created a centralized platform consolidating relevant market data for easy access and analysis. Provided crucial macroeconomic indicators and allowed tracking of preferred stocks and ETFs. Custom functionality for trend analysis and informed decision-making. Link: https://macroeconomic-outlook.streamlit.app/ | https://github.com/ali-meesam23/streamlit_macrodash
Options Pricing Model Developed a program for calculating optimal prices of options contracts. Considered various factors such as ticker symbol, days to expiration, strike price, and expected price changes. Provided accurate pricing information for informed trading decisions. Link: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/OptionsPricing
Crypto Trading Systems Designed and implemented automated trading systems for Kraken, Kucoin, and Binance exchanges. Utilized Data Manager, Trade Manager, Account Manager, and Automator to handle market data, manage orders and positions, and perform risk management. Enabled autonomous and efficient trading with real-time notifications. Link: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/CryptoTradingSystems
Stock, CFDs, and Options Trading Systems and Applications Developed user-friendly trading platform for InteractiveBrokers, facilitating easy execution of options trades. Streamlined trading workflows and optimized performance for FXCM trading platform. Contributed to open-source community, actively improving strategies and workflows. Links: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/IB-OptionsTrading | https://github.com/ali-meesam23/FXCM_Public
Signal Generators Performed sentiment study for intraday trading signals using various NLP tools. Collected and analyzed sentiment data from social media platforms and news sources. Developed scripts for real-time sentiment analysis. Links: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/NLP
Signal Testing Techniques Implemented cross-validation, Monte Carlo simulation, backtesting, walk-forward analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Evaluated trading signal performance, assessed risk and profitability, and optimized trading strategies. Links: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/SignalTesting
Data Management Proficient in handling various data types, including financial market data, news articles, and machine learning models. Utilized storage solutions like SQLite, PostgreSQL with TimescaleDB, and cloud platforms like AWS and Azure. Managed large datasets efficiently and securely using technologies such as Amazon S3. Links: https://github.com/ali-meesam23/DataManagement
These projects demonstrate proficiency in options trading, macroeconomic analysis, signal generation, automated trading systems, and data management, showcasing a diverse skill set in finance and technology.