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This is just my notes that others should be able to use to get a new raspberry piOS up and running with SABnzBD and Sonarr

To start you need:

  1. Raspberry Pi (3 orr newer)
  2. Large SD card (I got a new 256GB card but anything over 32GB should be fine)
  3. NZB indexer
  4. Usenet provider

If you are new to this then read

I'm going to go over setting up the pi, installing sonarr and installing sabnzbd. I'm doing this partly to remind myself of howto but also to give back to the community. If you like it let me know. This is the first time I've ever done this.


  1. Get your raspberry pi and install Raspberry PiOS by using the imager provided

Install the normal non desktop one onto your SD card.

  1. Remember to got to the card using your mac or linux box (no idea howto on Windows, it can't do unix filesystems) and do touch ssd on the root of the sd card.

so on mac type touch ssd when you have go into Volumes\boot. Open a command line (hit command and space then type Terminal)

cd \Volumes\boot touch ssd

this lets you just put it into the Raspberry Pi and it will start the SSH daemon and allow you to log in. Otherwise you have to attach it to the TV or monitor and go into various menus to start SSH daemon.

OK, on with initial server setup. Loosely based on my experience. Feel free to skip if you know better. Do give me tips if you think it will help users.


OK switch on the beast and go and make a coffee or tea or beverage of your choice. It takes time on the first boot.

  1. Passwords: log into the server. so its ssh [email protected] should get you in. change the password with passwd log out and go passwordless with ssh. So press Ctrl-D or type logout ssh-copy-id [email protected] will log you back in and setup all the files so next time you can just login no sweat.

[note i am assuming you have setup ssh-keygen etc so you have a private key on your laptop. If not then google away till you have setup a key etc etc. Or just login with passwords it makes no difference.]

  1. Change hostname: I like a different server name so sudo nano /etc/hostname change raspberrypi your preferred name and save

I named mine rum but you can use whatever

Now reboot so it all works. Well done. Secure access achieved.

  1. Now update the pi and install all the normal useful software.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y autoremove --purge && sudo apt-get -y autoclean

Nice one. All updated now. Worth doing the above every so often. Note this does NOT update Sonarr or SABnzbd as they are not in the normal sources.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget python3 tmux

python as its needed for SABnzbd, wget so you can download things and tmux as i use it. Learn tmux. It stops a lot of problems. Great bit of software. is a great basic tutorial.

UPDATING SABnzbd, Sonarr and PI

Now i will install the above to the /opt/ directory but you can install it anywhere. You figure it out.

There will be: /opt/sabnzbd /opt/sonarr /opt/mono <----this is the software that runs Sonarr /opt/share <----this will have all the files and will be accessible via Samba as this is useful to move things

There will be individual service files and instructions on how to update things.


Mostly from

  1. install various bits and bobs sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install python3-pip par2 unzip p7zip-full

  2. OK hassle point. You need non free unrar....sooo unrar To do this we have first to add the source repository to apt sudo nano /etc/apt/source.list

and add this entry at the end deb-src bullseye main contrib non-free rpi (it might have a # in front of it, just remove the # and save it)

Update apt sudo apt-get update

Let’s create a new folder for download and compile unrar mkdir ~/unrar && cd ~/unrar

Tell apt to install the needed dependencies required by unrar sudo apt-get build-dep unrar-nonfree

Download unrar sources and build the package sudo apt-get source -b unrar-nonfree

Grab a coffee and wait the end of process… At the end we can install the package generated (x.x.x-x report the version) sudo dpkg -i unrar_x.x.x-x_armhf.deb

well done. unrar now works!

  1. Sabnzbd installation

Make the /opt dir and own it mkdir /opt/sabnzbd /opt/share; sudo chown pi:pi /opt/*; cd /opt/sabnzbd/

Go to Downloads and get the latest version wget do remember to substitute the latest Linux version (should be a .tar.gz ending)

Now untar it and

tar -xvf SABnzbd-3.4.2-src.tar.gz cd SABnzbd-3.4.2; mkdir ../server ; mv * ../server/ Don't forget to change to latest version here. The last command moves all the files to a folder called server.

Now install it using python pip python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt -U

Its done now. Well done. /usr/bin/python3 /opt/sabnzbd/server/ -s -f /opt/sabnzbd/ini/ -d

will run the server. We will do this while setting up the server.

Now login to the server with your browser by going to servername.local:9090

If you get a weird hostname error, you will need to edit sabnzbd.ini located in /opt/sabnzbd/ini/ and find the "host_whitelist"

I'm going to go fairly light touch here but include a checklist. a. Make "download" and "tmp" directories in share. download will have final downloads and tmp will be for files as they download. We will share both so you can use a network share to see the files. Useful to debug, delete, etc. b. Test all your server details; saves hassles later. try to use SSL c. Change the temp and completed folders to /opt/share/tmp and /opt/share/downloads respectively. d. you can add a watched folder too e. In switches i activate "Pause Downloading During Post-Processing" and integrate reporting with my indexer "Enable Indexer Integration". You don't need to. f. Add in RSS if that is the way you download

Test the server works.

  1. Making it automatically restart

I use systemd as its my preference. You don't need to do this but if the server restarts you'll need to manually run the big line above. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service

Add in the below

`[Unit] Description=SABnzbd

[Service] Type=simple User=pi Group=pi Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/sabnzbd/server/ -b 0 -f /opt/sabnzbd/ini/ ExecStop=/usr/bin/curl -s "http://localhost:9090/sabnzbd/api?mode=shutdown&apikey=627978c144394af78391398fe82b223f"


This will install the service.

Useful systemctl commands sudo systemctl stop sabnzbd.service stops the service sudo systemctl start sabnzbd.service starts the service sudo systemctl restart sabnzbd.service restarts sudo journalctl -u sabnzbd -f shows the logs for this systemctl daemon-reload reloads the daemon, do this to incorporate any change to the service i.e. after writing the above file.

  1. Updating

Updating is as simple as stopping the server then downloading the newer version then mving it to /opt/sabnzbd/server and restarting.


  1. Again hassle here is to install mono which Sonarr runs on

sudo apt -y install apt-transport-https dirmngr gnupg ca-certificates sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable-buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-stable.list' sudo apt -y update ; sudo apt -y install mono-devel mediainfo sqlite3 libmono-cil-dev libchromaprint-tools sudo apt install mono-complete

Now create folders and install mediainfo sudo mkdir /opt/sonarr ; sudo chown pi:pip /opt/sonarr ; cd /opt/sonarr ; mkdir mediainfo ; cd mediainfo wget && sudo dpkg -i repo-mediaarea_1.0-19_all.deb && sudo apt-get update ; rm -rf /opt/sonarr/mediainfo/

Now get Sonarr and fix perms and move to right place curl -sL "" -o /tmp/Sonarr.tgz ; sudo tar xvzf /tmp/Sonarr.tgz -C /opt/sonarr/ ; sudo chown -R pi:pi /opt/sonarr/ ; mv /opt/sonarr/Sonarr/* /opt/sonarr/server; mkdir /opt/sonarr/ini ; rmdir /opt/sonarr/Sonarr

Finally setup the systemd file `[Unit] Description=Sonarr Daemon


Change and/or create the required user and group.

User=pi Group=pi

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono --debug /opt/sonarr/server/Sonarr.exe -nobrowser -data=/opt/sonarr/ini/

Type=simple TimeoutStopSec=20 KillMode=process Restart=on-failure


Now enable the service sudo systemctl daemon-reload ; sudo systemctl enable sonarr.service ; sudo systemctl start sonarr.service ; sudo journalctl -u sonarr -f this will dump you into the logs while it all starts. Once its working go to the browser and do what you need to. The default port is 8989.


These are more notes for me, i hope they are useful to somone.

Fstab entry //servername/Folder /folder/folder/local cifs credentials=/home/pi/.smbcredentials,vers=2.1,uid=33,gid=33,rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

use mount -a to reload fstab

.smbcredentials should be

user= password=

then run chmod o-rwx,-x ~/.smbcredentials


Lets get a samba server going. Thinakfully this one is quite simple. sudo apt update ; sudo apt install samba samba-common-bin

Edit the smb conf to get things started sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

The config will be complicated but look at this. put the following right at the end.

[SHARE] path = /opt/share/ comment = the directory for all the files browseable = yes writeable = yes only guest = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 public = yes guest ok = yes

then run testparm and make sure there are no errors

Create a Samba password for whichever user you will be using:

sudo smbpasswd -a pi

I just use the same password but you can use something different.

The service file is already written so just enable systemctl daemon-reload ; sudo service smbd restart ; sudo service smbd restart

Make sure its running fine by using sudo systemctl enable smbd.service ; sudo systemctl enable nmbd.service


sudo journalctl -u nmbd -f sudo journalctl -u smbd -f

WSSD this is needed to see teh share in windows for variosu boring reasons.

cd /opt ; sudo mkdir /opt/wsdd ; sudo chmod pi:pi /opt/wsdd ; cd wsdd

then download the py file

wget --no-check-certificate --content-disposition

create a service file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/wsdd.service

`[Unit] Description=WSDD Daemon (Web Services Dynamic Discovery)


Change and/or create the required user and group.

User=pi Group=pi

ExecStart=/opt/wsdd/ --shortlog Type=simple TimeoutStopSec=20 KillMode=process Restart=on-failure


run the daemon. then activate the service file etc

/opt/wsdd/ --shortlog -v the -v is to check if all is well.

Now reload systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart wsdd.service restarts sudo journalctl -u wsdd -f shows the logs for this sudo systemctl enable wsdd.service enables i.e. it starts on a reboot


new pios with sonarr and sabnzbd






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