- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the downloaded release, and copy to your ext folder.
- Navigate in the ACP to
Customise -> Manage extensions
. - Look for
Battle.Net US
under the Disabled Extensions list, and click itsEnable
link. - Go to dev.battle.net, login (or register if neccessary).
- Create a new application for your forum.
- Specify the application url as the https url to your site.
- Specify the callback URL as "https://yoursite/ucp.php?i=ucp_auth_link&mode=auth_link&link=1&oauth_service=battlenet". (Note that you must be using HTTPS for Battle.Net to produce callback requests to your site. Without them, oAuth will not work.)
- Take the key and secret provided for your new application and enter them in ACP under 'Client Communication -> Authentication' in the Battle.Net US fields.
- Navigate in the ACP to
Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions
. - Look for
Battle.Net US
under the Enabled Extensions list, and click itsDisable
link. - To permanently uninstall, click
Delete Data
and then delete the/ext/ajhenderson/battlenet_oauth_us