An Ansible role that installs/configures phpIPAM
- Options are in place for HA DB setup if desired.
Install required Ansible role dependencies...
sudo ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Logging into phpIPAM...
Default phpIPAM login is
# defaults file for ansible-phpipam
date: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d-%H%M') }}"
enable_phpipam_db_backups: true
# Defines root of phpipam web
# If using http url headers...change this to '/'
phpipam_base: '/phpipam/'
phpipam_db_backup_name_prefix: 'phpipam_bkp'
phpipam_db_backup_root: '/backups/db/phpipam'
# Defines if backend db for pdns is clustered
phpipam_db_cluster: false
# Define db host
phpipam_db_host: 'localhost'
# Define db name
phpipam_db_name: 'phpipam'
# Define db password
phpipam_db_pass: phpipam
# Define db user
phpipam_db_user: phpipam
# Defines if cron jobs for scanning and etc. should be defined.
phpipam_define_cron_jobs: false
phpipam_download: '{{ phpipam_download_file }}'
phpipam_download_file: 'phpipam-{{ phpipam_version }}.tar'
# Defines if phpIPAM is pulled from to install
phpipam_install_from_git: true
# Defines commit to checkout to install from..Helps keep consistent installs
# Note - If not checking out master then the branch will be in a detached state
# but will still allow changes to be made to configurations and such. Should not
# cause any issues.
# Examples
# 9cbf625 Removed DHCP from settings
# 861f98c Merge branch 'master' of
# 419aba5 Suppressed KEA arrors if cannot read leases file + shown error #777
# phpipam_install_git_version: '9cbf625'
phpipam_install_git_version: 'HEAD'
# Change to HEAD to always checkout the latest
# Defines if current discovery functionality should be patched
phpipam_patch_discovery: false
# Defines if current email test functionality should be patched
phpipam_patch_email: false
phpipam_pre_load_db: true
# Defines if Apache2 should be configured in order to enable prettify links
phpipam_prettify_links: true
# Define if using a clustered mariadb mysql and define a single node as primary
phpipam_primary: 'node0'
# Defines the root folder of where phpipam is to be installed
phpipam_root: '{{ web_root }}/phpipam'
phpipam_timezone: 'America/New_York'
# Defines if phpipam is to be upgraded
phpipam_upgrade: false
# Defines the phpipam url to configure apache2 for if configured for url rewrite
phpipam_url: 'ipam.{{ pri_domain_name }}'
# Define phpipam version
# Only used when not installing via GIT.
# uses github .tar.gz file from
phpipam_version: '1.2'
# Defines the primary domain name
pri_domain_name: ''
web_root: '/var/www/html'
Reference requirements section..
- hosts: all
become: true
- role: ansible-apache2
- role: ansible-mariadb-mysql
- role: ansible-phpipam
Larry Smith Jr.
- @mrlesmithjr
- mrlesmithjr [at]