If you found errors in the notebooks, please create:
- Pull request with the fix or
- Submit an issue to the main repository of Albumentations
example.ipynb. Defining a simple augmentation pipeline for image augmentation.
example_bboxes.ipynb. Using Albumentations to augment bounding boxes for object detection tasks.
example_bboxes2.ipynb. How to use Albumentations for detection tasks if you need to keep all bounding boxes.
example_kaggle_salt.ipynb. Using Albumentations for a semantic segmentation task.
example_keypoints.ipynb. Using Albumentations to augment keypoints.
example_multi_target.ipynb. Applying the same augmentation with the same parameters to multiple images, masks, bounding boxes, or keypoints.
example_weather_transforms.ipynb. Weather augmentations in Albumentations.
migrating_from_torchvision_to_albumentations.ipynb. Migrating from torchvision to Albumentations.
replay.ipynb. Debugging an augmentation pipeline with ReplayCompose.
serialization.ipynb. How to save and load parameters of an augmentation pipeline.
showcase.ipynb. Showcase. Cool augmentation examples on diverse set of images from various real-world tasks.
pytorch_classification.ipynb. PyTorch and Albumentations for image classification.
pytorch_semantic_segmentation.ipynb. PyTorch and Albumentations for semantic segmentation.
xy_transform.ipynb. How to apply XYMasking.
example_chromatic_aberration.ipynb. How to apply ChromaticAberration.
example_d4.ipynb. How to apply D4 transform.
example_gridshuffle.ipynb. How to apply RandomGridShuffle transform.
example_documents.ipynb. How to apply Morphological, both erosion and dilation.
example_hfhub.ipynb. How to load and save augmentation pipeline to HuggungFace Hub.
example_OverlayElements.ipynb. How to apply OverlayElements to update text on the image
example_textimage.ipynb. How to add text to the image
For detailed examples, see notebooks.
from albumentations import (
Affine, CLAHE,Blur, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, HueSaturationValue,
GaussNoise, MotionBlur, MedianBlur,
RandomBrightnessContrast, D4, OneOf, Compose
import numpy as np
def strong_aug(p=0.5):
return Compose([
MedianBlur(blur_limit=3, p=0.1),
Blur(blur_limit=3, p=0.1),
], p=0.2),
Affine(translate_percent=0.0625, scale=(0.8, 1.2), rotate=(-45, 45), p=0.2),
], p=0.2),
], p=0.3),
], p=p, seed=137, strict=True)
image = np.ones((300, 300, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
mask = np.ones((300, 300), dtype=np.uint8)
whatever_data = "my name"
augmentation = strong_aug(p=0.9)
data = {"image": image, "mask": mask, "whatever_data": whatever_data, "additional": "hello"}
augmented = augmentation(**data)
image, mask, whatever_data, additional = augmented["image"], augmented["mask"], augmented["whatever_data"], augmented["additional"]
- Original image
MultiplicativeNoise(multiplier=0.5, p=1)
MultiplicativeNoise(multiplier=1.5, p=1)
MultiplicativeNoise(multiplier=[0.5, 1.5], per_channel=True, p=1)
MultiplicativeNoise(multiplier=[0.5, 1.5], elementwise=True, p=1)
MultiplicativeNoise(multiplier=[0.5, 1.5], elementwise=True, per_channel=True, p=1)
- Original image
- Original image
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(1, 1), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(1, 1), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(1, 1), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(1, 1), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(1, 1), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(2, 2), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(2, 2), fill_value=0, p=1)
ChannelDropout(channel_drop_range=(2, 2), fill_value=0, p=1)
- Original image
- Original image
- Original image
- Original image
- Original image
- Original image
RandomGridShuffle(grid=(3, 3), p=1)
RandomGridShuffle(grid=(5, 5), p=1)
RandomGridShuffle(grid=(7, 7), p=1)
- Original image
Blur(blur_limit=(7, 7), p=1)
Blur(blur_limit=(15, 15), p=1)
Blur(blur_limit=(50, 50), p=1)
Blur(blur_limit=(100, 100), p=1)
Blur(blur_limit=(300, 300), p=1)