Artificial Intelligence Challenges
Focus on the Artificial Intelligence course challenges, solved by the students of the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning course at ‘Politecnico Di Bari’. The aim of these challenges is to test both theoretical knowledge and coding skills about Artificial Intelligence topics covered in the lessons. The students had 2 hours and half for each challenge to implement a solution using Artificial Intelligence principles and algorithms.
The topics covered by these challenges are:
Search strategies: uninformed search and informed search. Uninformed search using breadth-first search, uniform-cost search, depth-first search, depth-limited search, iterative deepening depth-first search, bidirectional search. Informed search using greedy best-first search, A* search.
Constraint Satisfaction Problems: backtracking strategy and local search strategies based on Minimum Remaining Values heuristic, Degree heuristic, Least Constraint Value heuristic, Forward Checking strategy and Arc Consistency strategy.
Adversarial search: minimax algorithm, alfa-beta pruning technique, search cutting.
Prolog problem modeling: backtracking search strategy to resolve a Constraint Satisfaction Problem.
Each challenge is briefly described below:
- LOCAL SEARCH: a maze composed by a rectangular grid having specific positions occupied by walls. Find the shortest path implementing 3 different search strategies: Breadth First, Depth First, A*.
- CSP: a constraint satisfaction problem solved implementing Backtracking-Search algorithm and Local Search .The problem to solve is to distribute items in different containers not overcoming the maximum capacity, within the constraints imposed by the problem itself.
- MINIMAX: two opposed agents moving on a 2D board. Giving a define set of rules, use minimax algorithm, implementing alpha-beta pruning to the search tree.
- PROLOG: showing all the possible solutions for the escape of few individuals, from a place covered with traps using Prolog.
If you publish any work which uses the code stored in this project, please cite the following creators:
Sergio Abascià, Gianluca Azzollini, Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
Sergio Abascià
Gianluca Azzollini
Alberto Carlo Maria Mancino
We are happy to help you with any question. Please contact us on our mails:
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