I'm Eduard Urbach and I create high-performance software solutions. I've been more than 20 years in this industry that stopped caring about efficiency and it's about time we clean up this mess we left behind and start to use energy efficient algorithms.
My main project is the π± q programming language whose compiler is 6-8 times faster than the usual implementations and its actually pretty small in terms of code size.
There are still a lot of features that need to be implemented to be production ready, but the performance impact that these will have is within manageable limits. My estimate is that the compiler will still be at least 5-6 times faster than other compilers once feature parity has been reached. I'm looking for contributors who want to design a correct, maintainable and well performing language / compiler for the future.
As a side project I maintain a minimalistic HTTP π server and π router which run on my website.
Other things I've worked on are a π markdown renderer, a π color module and an π¦ assert package for testing.
I'm available for hire. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to get in touch.