I'm Eduard Urbach and I create high-performance software solutions. I've been more than 20 years in this industry, where efficiency has often been overlooked. I'm now dedicating my efforts to addressing this issue by focusing on energy-efficient algorithms.
My main project is the π± q programming language, whose compiler is 10 times faster than typical implementations while occupying less than 1% of LLVM's code size.
While several features are still needed for production readiness, their performance impact is manageable. I estimate that even after achieving feature parity, the compiler will remain at least 8 times faster than others. I'm looking for contributors interested in helping design a correct, maintainable and high-performance compiler for the future.
As a side project I maintain a minimalistic HTTP π server and π router, both of which power my website. Their performance is exceptional, though certain trade-offs were necessary to achieve this level of efficiency.
Other things I've worked on are a π markdown renderer, a π color module and an π¦ assert package for testing. While all of these are still actively maintained, they naturally receive less attention than my main projects.
I'm available for hire. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to get in touch.