This is a Tip Calculator application for iOS and my first iOS native app that I built for fun.
Time spent:
10 hrs
- Required: User can enter a bill amount, choose a tip percentage, and see the tip and total values.
- Required: Settings page to change the default tip percentage.
- Optional: Settings page to change currency and color theme.
- Optional: A clear button visible to clear bill amount.
- Optional: UI animation with the dollar sign every time a calculation occurs and fade in once bill field is non-empty
- Optional: Ability to split bill with up to 6 people.
- Optional: Ability to send text message with bill total included to remind amount owed.
- Optional: Remembering bill across app restarts
- Optional: Make bill field first responder with keyboard visible immediately
- The pay button was originally intended to use the Venmo API to allow for payments but the API has been discontinued and instead the pay button launches an SMS on a Apple device with the amount owed prepopulated.
Video Walkthrough: