The database migrator is a java serverless application that can be used to make changes to a database schema. SQL-based migrations are typically used for:
- Simple reference data changes (CRUD in reference data tables)
- Simple bulk data changes (CRUD in regular data tables)
It is an implementation of Boxfuse's Flyway migration tool for the serverless framework. As a result a flyway table is created in the database to track the migrations.
In order to add a new migration schema a new sql migration need to be provided in the folder src/main/resources/db/migration and follow the flyway naming standard seen below.
The file name consists of the following parts:
- Prefix: V for versioned, U for undo and R for repeatable migrations
- Version: Version with dots or underscores separate as many parts as you like (Not for repeatable migrations)
- Separator: __ (two underscores)
- Description: Underscores or spaces separate the words
- Suffix: .sql
The Flyway documentation link below describes the mechanism behind the 3 types of migration script described in the
image above:
Flyway documentation