Watcher3 Public
Forked from barbequesauce/Watcher3Fork of nosmokingbandit/Watcher3 as the original seems inactive. PRs welcome, support is community based.
Python Other UpdatedAug 16, 2020 -
ZeroTierOne Public
Forked from zerotier/ZeroTierOneA Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth
C++ Other UpdatedSep 8, 2019 -
A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for more than 90 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 7, 2018 -
inject_gba Public
Inject GBA roms into alldata.bin
3DS-Tools-Collection Public
Forked from d0k3/3DS-Tools-CollectionA small collection of various tools useful for modification of CIA and CCI files specific to the 3DS consol
Python UpdatedMay 2, 2016 -
FunKeyCIA Public
Forked from llakssz/FunKeyCIAPython tool for downloading content from CDN, uses only a title id and title key, or keyfile, to make a good cia.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 2, 2016 -
PlaiCDN Public
Forked from Relys/3DS_Multi_DecryptorNintendo 3DS CDN Script
Gooey Public
Forked from chriskiehl/GooeyTurn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 20, 2016 -
Universal-Inject-Generator Public
Forked from d0k3/Universal-Inject-GeneratorGenerate inject-ready .apps for the Health & Safety system app (on 3DS)
Shell UpdatedApr 14, 2016 -
krkrpsb Public
Forked from number201724/psbfilekrkr engine M2 Company PSB file text editor
ddd Public
Forked from dimok789/dddWiiU Title Dumper
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 14, 2016 -
homebrew_launcher Public
Forked from dimok789/homebrew_launcherWiiU Homebrew Launcher
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 14, 2016 -
loadiine_gx2 Public
Forked from dimok789/loadiine_gx2A WiiU SD Loader with GX2 GUI
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 11, 2016 -
ftpiiu Public
Forked from dimok789/ftpiiuWiiU FTP Server - Port of ftpii for the Wii by joedj to the WiiU
C Other UpdatedMar 2, 2016 -
JNUSTool Public
Forked from Maschell/JNUSToolA tool to download and decrypt NUS stuff
Java UpdatedMar 2, 2016 -
freebsd-wifi-build Public
Forked from freebsd/freebsd-wifi-buildfreebsd-wifi-build
Shell UpdatedJan 2, 2016 -
Nintendont Public
Forked from FIX94/NintendontA Wii Homebrew Project to play GC Games on Wii and vWii on Wii U
C UpdatedDec 5, 2015 -
pyGecko Public
Forked from wiiudev/pyGeckoPython library for TCPGecko
C MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
gbadev.kernel Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gbadev.kernel
UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
gbadev.armboot Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gbadev.armboot
UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
gbadev.nswitch Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/gbadev.nswitch
UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -
nusdownloader Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/nusdownloader
C# UpdatedDec 3, 2015 -