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Repository containing all notebooks and scripts for Down Syndrome analysis

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DS Analysis Pipeline

This repository contains notebooks and scripts for analyzing brain imaging data through a multi-stage pipeline using self-organizing maps (SOM) and heatmap generation.

Pipeline Overview

Input Images
Preprocess + Register
[Neural Network]
     ├── ▶︎ score-norms (B, 20) ── ▶︎ SOM Analysis ─── ▶︎ Prototype Identification 
     │                                                              │
     │                                                              ▼
     │                                                      Behavior Scores  ─── ▶︎ Correlate
     │                                                                                  ▲
     └── ▶︎ score-images (B,20,H,W,D) ─── ▶︎ Likelihood Model ─── ▶︎ Heatmaps (H,W,D) ─────┘ 

Pipeline Components

1. Image Processing and Feature Extraction

  • Input: Raw brain imaging data
  • Neural network processes images to generate:
    • Score norms: Batch x 20 dimensional feature vectors
    • Score images: Batch x 20 x Height x Width x Depth tensors

2. SOM Analysis Branch

  • Takes score-norms as input
  • Trains Self-Organizing Map for pattern discovery
  • Identifies clusters (prototypes)
  • Each sample will be matched to a protoype
  • Enables visualization of data distribution

3. Heatmap Generation Branch

  • Takes score-images as input
  • Feeds data through likelihood estimation model
  • Generates 3D heatmaps (H x W x D) highlighting relevant regions
  • Provides visualization of model attention/focus areas

4. Correlation Analysis

  • Combines outputs from both branches
  • Correlates behavioral scores with heatmap patterns
  • Enables statistical analysis of relationships between:
    • Brain structural patterns
    • Behavioral metrics
    • Prototype membership



  • braintypicality-scripts repository
    • Contains all necessary code for preparing and processing the data
  • sade package available at
    • Please install and run the docker container
  • simpsom package avilable at
    cd /codespace/ && git clone
    cd /codespace/simpsom && python install --user
  • Additionally for plotting, holoviews and hvplot is used
  • Other requirements (seaborn, pandas, etc.) should be covered by the packages above

Running the Pipeline

Data Preparation

We need to prepare data to be ingested by sade. Namely, the images should be two-channels (i.e. 4D images) with T1 and T2 concatenated. Please refer to the sade documentation for more details. You may use the script to process the data.

To run inference sade will need a file e.g. ibis-inlier.txt with filenames of the images, and a directory where this file is present as specified by

Score-Norm Extraction and Heatmap Generation

The inference sript of sade can extract score-norms and create heatmaps. The outputs will be saved as numpy files: <workdir>/experiments/<>/<subject-id>.npz. An example config is given below.

python --mode inference \
  --config configs/flows/ \
  --workdir remote_workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/ \ /ASD/ahsan_projects/Developer/braintypicality-scripts/split-keys \
  --config.eval.checkpoint_num=150 \
  --config.eval.experiment.flow_checkpoint_path=remote_workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/flow/psz3-globalpsz17-nb20-lr0.0003-bs32-np1024-kimg300_smin1e-2_smax0.8 \
  --config.eval.experiment.train=abcd-train  \
  --config.eval.experiment.inlier=abcd-val \ \
  --config.flow.patch_batch_size=16384 # Increasing this can help speed up inference - keep it powers of 2

The inference script will output a numpy file with four keys (assuming 20 noise scales for MSMA):

  • original: post transformed image that is input for diffusion model
  • heatmap: negative likelihood maps (i.e. higher is worse)
  • scores: 4D image of size 20xHxWxD containing raw scores (unprocessed output of the diffusion model)
  • score_norms: spatial norm of the 4D score image i.e. 20x1


These heatmaps are only rigidly registered to MNI. Any downstream voxel-wise analysis will need them to be deformably registered to the same space.

It is possible to use the script in braintypicality-scripts to deformably register to MNI. Here is an example:

# This will *compute* the registrations for the conte dataset
# and save them to the transforms directory specified in the code.
python --mode compute \
--config /codespace/sade/sade/configs/ve/ \
--dataset conte

# This will *apply* the registrations from the transforms directory
# to samples in  `load_dir` and save registered samples to `save_dir`
python --mode apply \
--config /codespace/sade/sade/configs/ve/ \
--dataset conte \
--load_dir /ASD/ahsan_projects/braintypicality/workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/experiments/reprod-correct/conte \
--save_dir /ASD/ahsan_projects/Developer/ds-analysis/ebds/registered-heatmaps/

SOM Analysis

The build-som-plots notebook can be run to produce the SOM clustering and the CSV of samples alongside their cluster IDs. This csv is used by the roi_correlation_analysis notebook

Heatmap Plotting

Heatmaps are stored as Numpy files. So they may be loaded and plotted using any preferred tools. An example is available in the voxel-heatmaps notebook. This will plot the average heatmap across the Down Syndrome samples that belong to the prototype. Recall, that computing the average only makes sense if the images are properly registered to the same space.

Reproducing the ds-analysis

The score-based diffusion model was trained with the following commands. This assumes the script is run from the sade folder inside the sade repository. All commands were run from inside the docker container produced by sade/docker. Some important directories:

  • workdir: /ASD/ahsan_projects/braintypicality/workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/
    • Parent directory directory where all checkpoints, logs and experiments are saved
  • /checkpoints: PyTorch checkpoints with state dict of ema weights, optimizer states etc.
  • /experiments: Directory where inference results are stored for multiple cohorts
  • /flow/psz3-globalpsz17-nb20-lr0.0003-bs32-np1024-kimg300_smin1e-2_smax0.8
    • This is the best performing flow model (lowest validation loss on abcd-val)
    • Used to generate the voxel-wise heatmaps
python --project architecture --mode train \
--config configs/ve/
--workdir /workdir/cuda_opt/learnable \ \
--config.model.learnable_embedding \ \ # switched to 16 at ~1 million iter

The flow model was run using

python --project flows --mode flow-train \
--config configs/flows/ \
--workdir /ASD/ahsan_projects/braintypicality/workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/ \ \
--cuda_opt=0 \
--config.msma.min_timestep=1e-2 \
--config.msma.max_timestep=0.8 \

The flow model will be created in <workdir>/flow/psz3-globalpsz17-nb20-lr0.0003-bs32-np1024-kimg300_smin1e-2_smax0.8/. Then inference was run with

python --mode inference \
--config configs/flows/ \
--workdir remote_workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/ \
--config.eval.checkpoint_num=150 \
--config.eval.experiment.flow_checkpoint_path=remote_workdir/cuda_opt/learnable/flow/psz3-globalpsz17-nb20-lr0.0003-bs32-np1024-kimg300_smin1e-2_smax0.8 \ \
--config.eval.experiment.train=abcd-test  \ # can select different cohorts
--config.eval.experiment.inlier=ibis-inlier \
--config.eval.experiment.ood=ibis-ds-sa \

Data Formats


  • Raw Images: NIfTI format (.nii.gz) with 2 channels for T1 + T2
  • Behavioral Scores: CSV files with subject IDs and metrics

Intermediate Data

  • score-norms: NumPy arrays (N x 20)
  • score-images: NumPy arrays (N x 20 x H x W x D)


  • SOM prototype assignments: CSV mapping samples to clusters
  • Heatmaps: 3D NIfTI files (.nii.gz)
  • Correlation matrices: CSV files


The pipeline includes visualization tools for:

  • SOM topology and clustering
  • Heatmap overlays
  • Correlation matrices


  title={Multiscale Score Matching for Out-of-Distribution Detection},
  author={Ahsan Mahmood and Junier Oliva and Martin Andreas Styner},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


Repository containing all notebooks and scripts for Down Syndrome analysis






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