Looking for a Job
- Monastir, Tunisia
- 12h behind - t.me/ahmnouira
- @ahmnouira
- @ahmnouira
- in/ahmnouira
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react-native-innovant Public
React Native Innovant UI Library
ionic-react-header-parallax Public
Easy to use hook to handle the parallax effect for IonHeader component in React Ionic.
flutter_dishes Public
This a Flutter application that allows the admins to manage dishes and let users to save their favorite dishes.
flutter_template Public template
Flutter template for my projects
ionic-react-social-sharing Public
Ionic React Social Sharing sample example
haarcascades Public
This contains haarcascade.xml files for opencv projects
Python UpdatedMay 26, 2024 -
starter-mean-project Public
This is MEAN starter project
django_template Public template
Template starter for my Django projects.
og-website Public
Elevate your Trading with OGREEN: Power, Performance, and Efficiency.
flutter_movies Public
A Flutter application that allows user to seach for movies
nextjs-ts-tailwindcss Public
Next.js, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS starter
simple-todolist Public
You will be able to add new tasks too a list, as well as remove the existing items
Flask_Blog Public
This is a social chat blog web-based application, where people can create their accounts and start communicate to each others by sending real time messages or via emails.
IoT_Platform_Flask Public
IoT Platform Developed using flask PFE 2019.
Arduino-IR-Remote Public
Decode and test the IR Remote using Arduino
django_movies Public
ex-api-seller-buyer Public
exercie: vendeur-acheteur-produit-categorie-annocne par [ITGate] methode
lovely-offline-pwa Public
Create Progressive, Fast, Engaging & Reliable PWA using Angular and Firebase, An app that saves personal notes in Firebase. This app have user authentication funionalites and let user do CRUD to noβ¦
intern-it.tn Public
π °οΈ platform for publishing internships/offers. -
gatsby-template Public template
gatsby starter for my projects
TypeScript BSD Zero Clause License UpdatedDec 15, 2023 -
saving-memories Public
Ionic 4 application allows you to capture pictures using the native camera of the mobile device.