Tapjoy mediation support for Solar2d Admob Plugin
To use:
- Add the plugin to your build settings like this:
["plugin_admobtapjoy"] = {
publisherId = "com.cabagomez"
- Add the following to application child settings. Make sure to change the store you are targeting:
applicationChildElements =
<meta-data android:name="com.tapjoy.appstore" android:value="Amazon"/>
- Set up your mediations and keys in the Admob portal.
Options calls you can make:
local admobTapjoy = require( "plugin.admobtapjoy" )
admobTapjoy.setDebug(true) -- Or false.
admobTapjoy.setGcmSender() -- Have not tested this in a while. Suspect that it still works.
admobTapjoy.setUserLevel() -- Have not tested this in a while. Suspect that it still works.
admobTapjoy.setUserID( "fsdfsdf" )
admobTapjoy.setPrivacy( {
underAge = true,
subjectToConsent = false, --subject to GDPR consent
hasUserConsent = false -- required if subjectToConsent is true.