Bump poetry from 1.8.5 to 2.0.1 #89
2 errors
Test with pytest:
AssertionError: assert 'Updating numpy' in 'Using monorepo root venv v1_yzvf0n8s\n\nRunning command from monorepo root directory\nUpdating dependencies\nResolving dependencies...\n\nNo dependencies to install or update\n'
+ where 'Using monorepo root venv v1_yzvf0n8s\n\nRunning command from monorepo root directory\nUpdating dependencies\nResolving dependencies...\n\nNo dependencies to install or update\n' = PoetryRunResult(cmd='poetry update numpy', cmd_obj=<poetry.console.commands.update.UpdateCommand object at 0x107d5f0d0>, run_dir=PosixPath('/var/folders/2s/h6hvv9ps03xgz_krkkstvq_r0000gn/T/tmp082a6vhc/v1_yzvf0n8s/pkg_one'), stdout='Using monorepo root venv v1_yzvf0n8s\n\nRunning command from monorepo root directory\nUpdating dependencies\nResolving dependencies...\n\nNo dependencies to install or update\n', stderr='Skipping virtualenv creation, as specified in config file.\n', exit_code=0).stdout
Test with pytest
Process completed with exit code 1.