mmdb-server (the open and free geo IP server) version 0.5 released
mmdb-server (the open and free geo IP server) version 0.5 released (2022-02-06) 🗺️
mmdb-server (the open and free geo IP server) version 0.5 released which includes the support for to load multiple MMDB files.
A new GeoOpen database included to support AS number and AS description lookup.
[multiple MMDB file support] MMDB server can now load a list of MMDB files + new GeoOpen file including ASN details added as example. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
GeoOpen files for country only ->
GeoOpen files with country and ASN/ASN description -> -
[db] Country-ASN db added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[db] GeoOpen database updated. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[doc] update the documentation and examples with the multiple sources. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[log] remove old debug. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[db] renamed. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[GeoOpen-country] updated. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
- Update [Alexandre Dulaunoy]