The above is the data folder setup for the experiments. Do follow the above structure so that the source code runs seamlessly
mkdir /path/to/lidar-camera-alignment/data/batch_test
- This will be the path where the experiment results will be saved (visualization and logging mostly)
- Download the zip files from
- We are only working with sequence 00 of the KITTI dataset.
- Unzip it to
- Get it from
- Unzip it to
# Parse hyperparameters.
rot_param_type = 'euler' # 'axis_angle', 'euler', 'quaternion'
lr = 1e-6 # learning rate
rotation_degrees = dict(z=10, y=10, x=10) # rotation to be introduced
num_iter = 1000 # How many iterations to run the optimization.
image_labels_subsampling_factor = 5. # How sparse the image label will be.
depth_scaling_factor = 1. # How much weight to be given to the depth value as compared to the xy positions
num_samples = 10 # How many samples to run a single batch optimization
data_dump_dir = "../data/batch_test/" # Where to dump your experiment results
cd /path/to/lidar-camera-alignment/src
Loss logging. @SergiConvergence criteria @SergiAdd and test translation parameterization @Sergi- Bag loss to a file
- Experiment with different transformations (4x4) @Dhanesh
- Addition of point level lidar labels. @Hari
- Adding more geometric priors (unprojection) @Dhanesh @Hari
- Explore more robust label processing more (use confidence scores or) @Shreyas @Hari
Stretch goals
- Blooming of image seglabels. @Sergi
- The effect of the number of batches for the optimization profile
- The effect of the diversity of the batch for a single optimization update
- The effect of rotation parameterization in the optimization profile
- The effect of learning rate in the optimization profile
- How sensitive is the model towards bad initial guesses
- The effect of using depth if any.
- Addition of depth
- Addition of batch optimization
- Addition of efficient image label processing.