Telegram Mod Bot This project is a Telegram moderation bot designed to automate tasks in crypto project group chat. It helps with managing user activities, enforcing rules, and ensuring a smooth chat experience. Built using the Telegram Bot API and a python programming language, the bot is highly customizable and extensible, i welcome further customizing of the bot.
Automated Moderation
Delete messages with forbidden words. Remove spam or flood messages. Enforce group rules automatically. User Management
Kick, mute, or ban users. Warn users for violations. Handle join/leave announcements. Utility Commands
Provide group statistics. Enable/disable moderation features. Custom commands for group management.
Programming Language: Python/Node.js Python: python-telegram-bot Node.js: telegraf
Prerequisites Telegram Bot Token: Obtain a bot token from BotFather. Python/Node.js Installed Installation
Admin Commands /warn : Warn a user. /kick : Kick a user from the group. /ban : Ban a user permanently. /mute : Mute a user temporarily.
/rules: Display group rules. /stats: Show group activity statistics. /help: Display help and available commands.
Test basic moderation features:
Used forbidden words and ensured they were deleted. Simulated spam and checked if the bot acted accordingly.
Issue warnings, kicks, and bans to validate functionality. Test group announcements:
Add/remove users and observe how the bot responds. Customizing the Bot Add New Commands: Modify the
Delete Spam: A user sends a repeated message. The bot detects spam and deletes the messages, warning the user.
Kick for Violations: A user violates group rules after multiple warnings. The bot automatically kicks the user.
Statistics: An admin uses /stats to see group activity, including the number of active users and message counts. Contact For questions or contributions:
X(twitter): Email:[email protected]