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Bundletool Gradle Plugin

A Gradle plugin to manage building split APKs with bundletool.


bundletool is Google's tool for generating and signing split APKs, the modern format for distributing apps on Android. Typically the Play Store generates these split APKs, but for developers who generate them themselves, managing bundletool manually can be foreign and complicated. This plugin aims to streamline the process of building split APKs for developers. It is primarily intended for those publishing to Accrescent, but is built to be more generally useful outside of Accrescent.


Apply the plugin to your Android app as described on the plugin's home page. Then specify a signing configuration in your app-level build script as follows:

bundletool {
    signingConfig {
        storeFile = file("keystore.jks")
        storePassword = "password"
        keyAlias = "release"
        keyPassword = "12345"

You can then build split APKs for your app by running ./gradlew buildApks${variant}. For example, if your app has a release variant, you can build the corresponding split APKs with the following command:

$ ./gradlew buildApksRelease

The resulting APK set will be generated as app/build/outputs/apkset/${variant}/app-${variant}.apks.

This plugin is only compatible with Android Gradle Plugin 7.4.0+.