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Markdown Editor

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A React-and-Slate-based WYSIWYG editor that edits rich text based on CommonMark.

The demo editor uses the markdown-transform package to transform Slate DOM to markdown text.

The editor includes a formatting toolbar.


npm install @accordproject/markdown-editor

You'll also need to be sure to install this package's peer dependencies:

npm install react react-dom slate slate-react styled-components
import { SlateAsInputEditor } from '@accordproject/markdown-editor';
import List from '@accordproject/markdown-editor/dist/plugins/list';
import Video from '@accordproject/markdown-editor/dist/plugins/video';
import { SlateTransformer } from '@accordproject/markdown-slate';

const plugins = [List()];
const slateTransformer = new SlateTransformer();

function storeLocal(slateValue) {
  const markdown = slateTransformer.toMarkdown(slateValue);
  localStorage.setItem('markdown-editor', markdown);

ReactDOM.render(<SlateAsInputEditor plugins={plugins} onChange={storeLocal}/>
, document.getElementById('root'));


For an example React App see the ./examples/ folder.

A TextArea containing CommonMark synchronized with a MarkdownEditor component, rendered using Slate.

preview image

In order to run an isolated local development example, run npm run dev and then navigate to: http://localhost:3001/

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3001/ to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

Accord Project Logo

Accord Project is an open source, non-profit, initiative working to transform contract management and contract automation by digitizing contracts. Accord Project operates under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. The technical charter for the Accord Project can be found here.

Learn More About Accord Project




Core libraries:

Projects Package name Version Description
Cicero cicero-core npm version Templates Core
cicero-cli npm version Cicero CLI
cicero-engine npm version Node.js VM based implementation of Accord Protcol Template Specification execution
cicero-server npm version Wraps the Cicero Engine and exposes it as a RESTful service
cicero-test npm version Testing support for Cicero based on cucumber
cicero-tools npm version Cicero Tools
generator-cicero-template npm version Code generator for a Cicero Template
Concerto concerto-core npm version Core Implementation for the Concerto Modeling Language
concerto-tools npm version Tools for the Concerto Modeling Language
concerto-cli npm version command-line interface for Concerto
Ergo ergo-cli npm version Ergo CLI
ergo-compiler npm version Ergo compiler
ergo-test npm version Ergo test
ergo-engine npm version Ergo engine
Markdown markdown-common npm version A framework for transforming markdown
markdown-slate npm version Transform markdown to/from CommonMark DOM
markdown-cli npm version CLI for markdown transformations.
markdown-cicero npm version CiceroDOM: Markdown extensions for contracts, clauses, variables etc.
markdown-html npm version Transform CiceroDOM to HTML

UI Components:

Projects Package name Version Description
Markdown Editor markdown-editor npm version WYSIWYG rich text web editor that persists text as markdown. Based on Slate.js
Cicero UI cicero-ui npm version WYSIWYG contract editor, template libary browser, error panel component
Concerto UI concerto-ui npm version Dynamic web forms generated from Concerto models

Template Editors:

Projects Cicero ver. Description
Template Studio v1 0.13.4 Web UI for creating, editing and testing Accord Project templates
Template Studio v2 0.13.4 Web UI for creating, editing and testing Accord Project templates
VSCode Extension 0.13.4 VS Code extension for editing Cicero templates and Ergo logic

Public templates and models:

Projects Description
Models Accord Project Model Library
Template Library Accord Project Template Library


Project Repo
Documentation techdocs


The Accord Project technology is being developed as open source. All the software packages are being actively maintained on GitHub and we encourage organizations and individuals to contribute requirements, documentation, issues, new templates, and code.

Find out what’s coming on our blog.

Join the Accord Project Technology Working Group Slack channel to get involved!

For code contributions, read our CONTRIBUTING guide and information for DEVELOPERS.


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Accord Project source code files are made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Accord Project documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0).