A Cleen interactive web application sorting algorithms visualizer. Watch in real-time as different sorting algorithms organize data, helping you understand how they work under the hood.
- Interactive Visualizations: Watch sorting algorithms in action with smooth animations
- Multiple Algorithms: Implementations of popular sorting methods including:
- Bubble Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Speed Control: Adjust the visualization speed to see every step or watch it zip through
- Array Size Control: Experiment with different dataset sizes
This project leverages modern web technologies for optimal performance and developer experience:
- React 19: Latest version of React for building the user interface
- TypeScript: For type-safe code and better developer experience
- Vite: Lightning-fast build tool and development server
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
- Framer Motion: Production-ready animation library for smooth transitions
- React Router: For seamless navigation between different views