I'm a self-taught Programmer & developer from India 🇮🇳
About me
- 🧑🏻💻 A passionate MERN stack developer and web3.0 enthusiast.
- 🔗 I’m currently learning Web3.0 , Blockchain
- 🔗 I’m currently learning Web3.0, Blockchain
- 🍾 Always open for discussion.
- 💬 Ask me about React, Next.js, Nodejs, Solidity, Hedara
- 📄 Know about my experiences CLick Here
- 💬 Ask me about React, Next.js, Node.js, Solidity, Hedera
- 📄 Know about my experiences here
- 👨💻 Some of my projects are available at https://abhimahajan-portfolio.netlify.app/
- ⚡ Fun fact Unstable electron
- 👤 How to reach me: [email protected]
## GitHub Streak Stats
Outside of [GitHub](https://github.com/abhishekmahaja),
**find me here*** [](mailto:[email protected]) [](https://x.com/AbhiMahajan_001) [](https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhi-mahajan-451227241/) [](https://www.instagram.com/abhi_mahajan_100/) ***Currently I'm free to contribute*** 🛠️ 🖱️
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