Next.js and React
- App router
- Server Actions
- Revalidation
- React server and client components
- Suspense and useFormStatus hook for loading states
- Auth
- Database
- Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)
Tailwind CSS
- Authentication and Authorization.
- Authenticated users can
- upvote a feedback
- edit their own feedback only
- add a new feedback
- comment on a feedback
- Unauthenticated users can view the content but cannot interact with the app.
- Renders a list of feedbacks.
- Includes filters and sort. They are added to the URL as query parameters. Users can bookmark the URL with the params included.
- Trying to acess protected routes without logging in, will redirect to this route.
- Contains comments on the feedback.
- Protected route
- Only an authenticated user who is also the author of that feedback post will be able to access this route. It will result in a
for other authenticated users.
- Renders a list of suggestions based on the selected
filter. The filter is added to the URL as query param and is bookmark-able.
- Renders a list of suggestions based on the selected
- Cody AI autocomplete for VSCode.
- ChatGPT for generating RPC functions in supabase.
- Polypane browser to match the original design.
- Prettier
- Prettier plugin tailwind
- ES Lint
- Lint staged - To format the code before every commit