Bookmarks tagged [functional-programming]
In this post, we are going to walk through how Angular applications can be built in a Functional Reactive style using the RxJs library that is part of Angular. We will go over the following topics:
- tags: angular, rxjs, functional-programming, redux
In this post, we are going to go over the concept of Functional Reactive Programming from the point of view of an Angular developer. Following topics are covered:
- A new asynchronous programming con...
- tags: angular, functional-programming, rxjs
I recently came across a tweet stating that there were no people who “defend OO vs. FP” that actually used FP in real projects. This is not the first time I came across statements like this (like in a...
- 📆 published on: 2016-12-14
- tags: oop, functional-programming
Taking that first step to understanding Functional Programming concepts is the most important and sometimes the most difficult step. But it doesn’t have to be. Not with the right perspective.
- 📆 published on: 2016-09-03
- tags: functional-programming
Functional programming has become a really hot topic in the JavaScript world. Just a few years ago, few JavaScript programmers even knew what functional programming is, but every large application cod...
- 📆 published on: 2017-01-04
- tags: javascript, functional-programming
This isn’t about functional programming (FP) vs object-oriented programming (OOP), or one language vs another. Components can take the form of functions, data structures, classes, etc… Different progr...
- 📆 published on: 2017-05-18
- tags: javascript, functional-programming, composition
OK, now that we understand how that works, let's look at your code ...
Simple, scalable state management
NestJS is a framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js web applications. It uses modern JavaScript, is built with TypeScript and combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Progamming), FP (Func...
Coconut is a variant of Python built for simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- tags: python, functional-programming
Cython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities.
Functional programming in Python: implementation of missing features to enjoy FP.
A fancy and practical functional tools.
A collection of functional utilities for iterators, functions, and dictionaries.
JavaScript's utility _ belt.
A utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras.
A Javascript library for working with native objects.
A practical functional library for Javascript programmers.
Streamable data synchronization utility.
Hardcore Functional Programming for JavaScript.
Utility library delivering consistency, customization, performance, & extras. A better and faster Underscore.js.
- tags: node.js, functional-programming
Immutable data collections.
Utility library with a focus on flexible functional composition enabled by automatic currying and reversed argument order. Avoids mutating data.
Suite of libraries for generic functional programming in JavaScript that allows you to write elegant, modular applications with fewer bugs, and more reuse.
- tags: node.js, functional-programming
Utility library with the biggest difference between other existing solutions is that you can choose to load only the modules/functions that you need, no extra overhead.
Functional reactive programming.
- tags: node.js, functional-programming
Functional reactive library for transforming, composing, and querying various kinds of data.
- tags: node.js, functional-programming
Utility library similar to lodash/Underscore but with lazy evaluation, which can translate to superior performance in many cases.
Reactive library with focus on high performance and low memory usage.
Monad and stream utilities, comprehensions, pattern matching, functional extensions for all JDK collections, future streams, trampolines and much more.
Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching and morphisms.
Functional extensions to Guava.
- tags: java, functional-programming
Implements numerous basic and advanced programming abstractions that assist composition-oriented development.
- tags: java, functional-programming
Extension to Java 8 that aims to fix gaps in lambda by providing numerous missing types and a rich set of sequential Stream API additions.
Collection of stream utilities.
Enhances Java 8 Streams.
Functional component library that provides persistent data types and functional control structures.
- tags: java, functional-programming
👽 A curated list of functional programming resources such as blog posts, communities, discussion topics, wikis and more. - lucasviola/awesome-functional-programming
😎 A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js - stoeffel/awesome-fp-js
Simplify the way you write your JavaScript by using .map(), .reduce() and .filter() instead of for() and forEach() loops. You’ll end up with clearer, less clunky code!
- 📆 published on: 2018-01-29
- tags: javascript, functional-programming
The term Java functional programming refers to functional programming in Java. Functional programming in Java has not been easy historically, and there were even several aspects of functional progra...
- 📆 published on: 2018-08-05
- tags: java, functional-programming
In many post we have explored Functional Programming concept on different languages being F and Scala the focus of the conversation. However, because I have been doing some Java on my workplace, expl...
- 📆 published on: 2018-02-26
- tags: java, scala, functional-programming
This post is my own understanding of what is the "core" of "functional programming", how it differs from "imperative" programming, and what the main benefits of the approach are. As a worked example, ...
- 📆 published on: 2017-01-25
- tags: functional-programming
This is a series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. So why is the title "Functional Programming in Javascript"? Well it turns out that t...
In the first part of the Glossary of Modern JS Concepts series, we'll gain an understanding of functional programming, reactive programming, and functional reactive programming. To do so, we'll ...
- 📆 published on: 2017-02-14
- tags: javascript, functional-programming, reactive-programming
In this post we’ll cover the usefulness of Array’s map
, reduce
, and filter
methods. You’ll see use cases, code samples, behavior, and parameters of each method.
- 📆 published on: 2015-03-20
- tags: javascript, functional-programming
Interesting read... You'll learn about side effects, side causes, pure functions...