Provides applications with an events calendar. This bundle's model layer represents a heavy port of Apple's iCal application.
WARNING: This is a prototype and not a final/stable bundle.
- Multiple Calendars
- Flexible Events
- Fully-implemented event recursion
- Event alarms
- Event RSVPs
Proceed with a normal bundle installation, and then execute the following steps:
Add to your config.yml:
# app/config/config.yml
rizza_calendar: ~
Add to your routing.yml:
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@RizzaCalendarBundle/Resources/config/routing/calendar.yml"
prefix: /calendar
resource: "@RizzaCalendarBundle/Resources/config/routing/event.yml"
prefix: /event
- Add support for different view engines
- Commands
- Alternative storage backaends (Google Calendar, iCal feeds, etc.)
- Event hooks
- Convert event categories to labels?