The Lecturer Review System is a web-based application that allows students to provide anonymous feedback on their lecturers. The system provides three user roles: students, admins, and lecturers.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the root directory of the project.
- Create a virtual environment: python -m venv env.
- Activate the virtual environment: source env/bin/activate.
- Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Run migrations: python migrate.
- Create a superuser account: python createsuperuser.
- Start the development server: python runserver.
The Lecturer Review System is built using the Django web framework and follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture pattern. The system has the following models:
- Student: Represents a student in the system.
- Admin: Represents an admin in the system.
- Lecturer: Represents a lecturer in the system.
- Review: Represents a review submitted by a student for a lecturer.
The system has the following views:
- Student views: Allow students to submit reviews and view their previous reviews.
- Lecturer views: Allow lecturers to view their reviews and view their overall rating.
- Admin views: Allow admins to view all reviews and manage users.
- and a whole lot more views adding to the funtionalities.
The system has the following templates:
- Base template: Defines the overall structure of the application.
- Student templates: Display forms for students to submit reviews and display their previous reviews.
- Lecturer templates: Display reviews for a lecturer and their overall rating.
- Admin templates: Display all reviews and allow admins to manage users.
The Lecturer Review System provides three user roles with the following functionalities:
- Student: Can submit reviews for their lecturers,view their previous reviews and also update their profiles for easy accessibility.
- Lecturer: Can view their reviews, their overall rating and alsio update their profile.
- Admin: Can view all reviews, manage users(both students and lecturers), activate/deactivate their accounts thereby restricting their access to login and also deleting their profile entirely
The Lecturer Review System is built using the following technologies:
- Python 3.8
- Django 3.2.4
- Bootstrap 5
- Jquery
- Mysql
We welcome contributions to the Lecturer Review System. If you would like to contribute, please create a new branch for your changes and submit a pull request. We kindly ask that you follow our code style and submit tests with your changes.
Thank you for considering contributing to the Lecturer Review System!