================================= This project pretends to be a open source device that could help people fighting against the COVID-19.
Estimados Miembros: Este grupo está conformado por alumnos, profesores y egresados de la FP-UNA y tiene por objetivo pensar, formular y realizar acciones concretas ante esta situación adversa que vivimos en el país con respecto al coronavirus COVID-19. Iniciamos con gente del área de electrónica e informática pero no estamos cerrados de ninguna manera. El trabajo es voluntario y sin fines de lucro. A hombros de gigantes enfrentaremos mejor las adversidades.
Dear Members: This group is made up of students, professors and graduates of the FP-UNA and its objective is to think, formulate and carry out concrete actions in the face of this adverse situation that we are experiencing in the country with respect to the COVID-19 coronavirus. We started with people from the electronics and computing area but we are not closed in any way. The work is voluntary and non-profit. On the shoulders of giants we will better face adversities.
The board is based on the website called www.electroschematics.com and the project is called Automatic soap dispenser IR proximity sensor.
We want to use this board and use to dispense gel alcohol adapting it on differents bottles.
Fist to all we will find the board.
The Board was designed using the software KiCad 5.1.2
The components are chosen by the existence on the Paraguay electronics componentes market.
This is the file of the BOM
You will find the board 3D model in the STP format in order you can choose the software you want to develope the mechanism with.
Desing the mechanism using Fusion 360
File of the prototipe "InfraRedGelUniversalDispenserDevice v17.step"
You will find the board 3D model in the STP format in order you can choose the software you want to develope the mechanism with.