Throw any object as exception in a minimalistic way. The prototype for this class is native javascript throw.
Here is the idea
we should be able to do something like:
throw( 'Something bad happened' )
or even
message e001(zmy_message_class) with 'this` 'and' 'that' into data(lv_dummy).
throw( ).
In both cases we expect a static exception should be raised with a text message from a given text or just inherited from a system message. That's it.
zcl_throw=>from( 'Error happenned' ).
message e001(zmy_message_class) with 'this` 'and' 'that' into data(lv_dummy).
zcl_throw=>from( ).
Not sure if we even need this way, may be for extensions with inherited classes
new zcl_throw( )->throw( 'Error happenned' ).
message e001(zmy_message_class) with 'this` 'and' 'that' into data(lv_dummy).
new zcl_throw( )->throw( ).
You can also implement ZIF_THROW
interface in your class or just inherit from ZCL_THROW
In short here is the pattern how you can use it:
class zcl_your_class definition.
public section.
interfaces zif_throw.
private section.
aliases throw for zif_throw~throw.
methods do_something raising cx_static_check.
class zcl_your_class implementation.
method zif_throw~throw.
zcl_throw=>from( object ).
method do_something.
if something_bad_happened( ).
throw( 'Something bad happened' ).
- assert is used in unit tests for throw