Dataset downloaded from and is in the classic BIDS format. Original paper by Koenders et. al:
- 42 Patients (20 Cannabis Users, 22 Controls) each with 2 MRIs (one at a baseline time, and one at a 3-year follow-up)
- Each MRI has an assigned CUDIT score (higher CUDIT = heavier cannabis consumption) in participants.tsv
- MRI Images in mri_data folder
Environment Conditions
- pip install nilearn
- pip install monai
- pip install torch
- pip install tensorflow
- pip install keras
- python 3.6.1
- Binary Classification of MRI images as "Heavy Cannabis User" or "Control"
- CUDIT score prediction (higher CUDIT -> more cannabis use)
- Decoding Voxels of High Predictive Value
How to Run?
- in "" there are several hyperparameters denoting which task to run, and how to run it. After configuring, in the command line execute: python
- The "" file is responsible for running everything: training/validating CNNs, Decoders, etc... and is called on by
"How can this be adapted to my own project?"
- Inside the 'mri_data' folder, all the subject data is there and formatted by the BIDS format. This is a consistent format accross many OpenNeuroCV datasets. In "", there is code for extracting all of the MRI filenames including their 'location paths' and labelling them based on the "participants.tsv" file.
- As long as you can create an array X = all filenames including the paths to those files, and y = the labels of these filenames, they can be fed into the "evaluate" function in "run_tests".
- You may also want to adjust the self.shape attribute in run_tests to reflect the nature of your dataset.
Control vs. Heavy Cannabis Users; GridSearch at 50 Epochs
DenseNet264 at 200 Epochs
Contact Information: Aaron: [email protected] Vivian: [email protected] Feel free to reach out!