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Maltego transformation for TON investigations

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ATOP Maltego Transform

A new Maltego transform useful to make investigations on TON assets like TON nickname, TON DNS and TON Telephone Number. These kinds of entities are NFT based on TON network. The transform is base on ATOP.

 ▄▄▄         ▄▄▄█████▓ ▒█████   ███▄    █     ▒█████    █████▒   
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            ░      ░        ░        ░  ░░ ░     ░ ░             
                           ░             ░       ░ ░   

                                                ....FOR MALTEGO


To run ATOP Maltego transform you need:

  • Python3 and pip
  • Install atop pip install "atop>=0.1.8"
  • Install Maltego CE
  • Choose a directory where your local transform will be downloaded and clone this repo git clone
  • Install Entities from the packege atop.mtz
  • Create three new local transform in Maltego CE
  • Define your .env file following this specs


Firstly, we have to download the project and copy or directly clone it in a directory related to atop_maltego. We have to keep in mind that Maltego will call the python script directly, like a common command executed by a CLI.

After that, we have to install the Entity package `atop.mtx`

We'll be able to see and use all the new entities imported. Each entity has 2 properties, the address and the name attribute. The TON address entity will contain information about the current balance and the related nickname used by the owner.


Unfortunately, each transfer must be created manually.

STEP #1: Select "Add Local Transform" and complete the form like the image below. As you can see in "Input Entity Type" this transform will work only for the standard "Phone Maltego entity".

STEP #2: In the next part of the form, we'll be able to set the path of the script.

To enable Domain and nickname transform, we have to follow STEP1 and STEP2 and create 2 new local transforms.

The domain transform will be created as "Domain Maltego alias" for "Input Entity Type".

To enable the nickname transform, we have to create a new Maltego transform related to an "Alias Maltego alias" as "Input Entity Type".


From a Domain, Alias or Telephone entity we'll be able to selected the relating ATOP transform. Launching the procedure, Maltego will render all identified assets.

The graph will contain TON domain, nickname, domains and NFT related to an identified TON owner. **For a domain search, ATOP will make an extra pivoting trying to identify any possible ENS domain**, in this case ETH address and a first related ENS domain will add to the relations.


ATOP Maltego transform could be used to pivot from a TON NFT to a Telegram account. To enable this feature, we have to set up a .env file in the same directory of the script. The .env file must contain the following variables:


If you will use session string, you don't need to set up the phone number. The session string is a string generated by the Telethon library. To generate a session string, you have to run the following command using atop:

a-ton-of-privacy -l

You will be asked to insert your phone number and the OTP code. After that, the session string will be generated and you will be able to use it in the .env file.

 [!] Please enter your API ID: 123232132131
 [!] Please enter your API Hash: 12321312321321321321321
 [!] Please enter your phone number: +112312312312 ( sock puppet account BEWARE!! )
Please enter your phone (or bot token): >? +112312312312 ( sock puppet account BEWARE!! )
Please enter the code you received: >? 12345
Warning: Password input may be echoed.
Please enter your password: xxxxxxxx 

Check this for further information about Telepathy.
After that, you will be able to use the Telegram integration. Telegram integration will be enabled only for TON Telephone Number and TON Nickname entities, and will disable simply removing .env file or its configurtation.

If your Telegram settings is properly configured, if some TON assets will be related to a Telegram account, you will be able to see the Telegram entity with its detail and Telegram profile picture in the graph.


Beware, This is a new feature that requires a fine tune in order to avoid bad OPSEC mistake. Be sure setting up an empty Telegram account and use it as a sock puppet. DO NOT USE YOUR PERSONAL TELEGRAM ACCOUNT!!!!.

Keep in mind that Maltego CE supports only 12 new entities for a single transform, so the result could be incomplete.!!!


Maltego transformation for TON investigations







No releases published
