Goal: Identify the importance of each electro-nodes in reconstructing human speech
Data Source: Data is from an experiment that clinical doctor electro-nodes in a subject’s cortical surface and subject listens to 2100 human reading sentences. At the same time, recording audio signal and neural signal.
- Segmenting neural signal by phones in each word in every sentence
- Extract features from the segmented neural signal(ecog)
- Doing classification on phones by regression on features extracted from neueral signal
- Identify the most effective electro-nodes based on classfication error rate.
- Data Manipulation & IO: pandas; numpy; h5py; pickle
- Parallel Computing: multiprocessing; joblib; functools
- Visulization: matplotlib, time
- Modeling: scikit-learn
- Environment(IDE): Spyder
- Steps:
- open Spyder
- click "Projects" in the menu
- then "Open Project..."
- go to this README.md directory
- click choose
main.py (user interface)
load.py (load all the data)
function/DataManipulation.py (raw data scaling)
- DataManipulation.py (ecog raw data manipulation)
- SentenceSegmentation.py (ecog data segmentation by phones)
- FeatureGeneration.py (create features from segmented ecog data)
- Visualization.py (dimension reduced data visualization)
- Classification.py (compared the classification performance)
- util.py (utility functions)