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Running existing workflows

Existing workflows can be discovered under workflows/. These can be run as follows from the root of the repository:

nextflow --workflow workflow_name --profile profile_name

Setting both --workflow and --profile is required. Available profiles include standard (run without GPU) and gpu (run with GPU).

By default, intermediate and final outputs are placed in results/. This can be changed by modifying the publishDir directive in the configuration.

Simple pipeline

Currently, this pipeline just scans data/ in the root directory for any .h5ad files and runs each subworkflow sequentially. It expects a configuration JSON file to be present in conf/datasets/ with the same name as the .h5ad file.

AWS pipeline

This pipeline pulls data from s3://largedonor and runs each subworkflow locally. In order to run this pipeline, create the file conf/aws_credentials.config (ignored by git) with the following entries:

aws {
    accessKey = "access_key"
    secretKey = "secret_key"
    region = "us-west-1"

You can specify the individual AnnDatas being processed by modifying params.inputs in conf/aws_pipeline.config.

Adding new workflows

Workflows are intended to connect subworkflows into an end-to-end pipeline. In order to add a new workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Add a file to workflows/ with the following template:
include { subworkflow } from "${params.subworkflows.subworkflow_name}"

workflow run_main {
    inputs = Channel.fromPath(params.inputs)
    // subworkflows here
  1. Create the associated workflow_name.config file in conf/ with the following template:
params {
    inputs = //path or list of paths to inputs

Adding new subworkflows

Subworkflows are intended to be reusable pieces across different workflows. To add a new subworkflow, follow these steps:

  1. Add a file to subworkflows/subworkflow_name/ with the following template:
include { module } from "${params.modules.module_name}"

workflow subworkflow_name {


  1. Add a reference to the new subworkflow under nextflow.config to be able to import it as `params.subworkflows.subworkflow_name
params {
    subworkflow_name = "${params.subworkflows.root}/subworkflow_name/"

Adding new modules and scripts

Modules are Nextflow wrappers over Python scripts that pass in appropriate arguments. They can be found under modules/ and bin/, respecively. To add a new module, follow these steps:

  1. Add a file to modules/ with the following template:
process module_name {
    path input_path

    output_path = "output_path_here"
    python3 ${params.bin.module_name} \\
        --input_path ${input_path} \\
        --output_path ${output_path}

    path output_path
  1. Add the corresponding Python script to bin/ with the following template:
from utils import wrap_kwargs

def module_name(input_path, output_path):

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Add references to the new module and script under nextflow.config to be able to import them as params.modules.module_name and params.bin.module_name, respectively.
params {
    modules {
        module_name = "${params.modules.root}/"
    bin {
        module_name = "${params.bin.root}/"
  1. Specify the conda environment for the new module in nextflow.config:
params {
    env {
        module_name = "${params.env.root}/module_name.yaml"

process {
    withName: module_name {
        conda = "${params.env.module_name}"