I've completely rewritten the program, it took more than a year, but it's here! It now has a GUI, features AES and 3DES algorithms, supports file encryption, and a lot more!
General Features
- Multi-threaded plain-text or file encryption/decryption using AES and 3DES algorithms.
- Ability to generate, enter or browse an encryption key; and ability to save an encryption key to a file.
- Plain-text or file encoding/decoding using base64 encoding.
- Plain-text or file hash calculation using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 and MD-5.
- Ability to derivate an encryption key from a password (KDF).
- Usage of SQLite3 for saving the configurations made (such as what to encrypt or the length of the key to generate) to a database file when the user closes the program, and load the saved configurations in the next start-up.
- Lots of visual themes coming from the ttkthemes package.