Welcome to my portfolio of projects! Below are the links to my deployed applications, each showcasing different skills and technologies.
- Description: A project displaying country flags and information.
- Live Demo
- Description: A simple and intuitive stopwatch application.
- Live Demo
- Description: An app that dynamically displays user-provided names.
- Live Demo
- Description: A counter application to demonstrate state management.
- Live Demo
- Description: A basic calculator application for performing arithmetic operations.
- Live Demo
- Description: A searchable interface to find and display information about countries.
- Live Demo
- Description: A counter app built with class components in React.
- Live Demo
- Description: Demonstrates pagination in a data set.
- Live Demo
- Description: A login interface to demonstrate authentication flow.
- Live Demo
- Description: Demonstrates state management in React.
- Live Demo
- Description: A weather application that fetches and displays real-time weather data.
- Live Demo
- Description: A spell checker tool to correct spelling mistakes.
- Live Demo
Feel free to explore each project and provide feedback. Thank you for visiting!