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Yemeni Open Source

A platform to discover and contribute to open source projects created by Yemeni developers.

Live Demo

You can view a live demo of the platform here: Yemeni Open Source


πŸ“‹ Project Overview

graph TD
    A[User] -->|Visits| B(Home Page)
    B --> C{Language Selection}
    C -->|Arabic| D[Arabic UI]
    C -->|English| E[English UI]
    D --> F[Project List]
    E --> F
    F --> G[Project Details]
    G --> H[Contributors]
    H --> I[Contributor Profiles]
    F --> J[Search/Filter]
    J --> K[Filtered Results]

✨ Features

  • 🌍 Multilingual support (Arabic/English)
  • πŸ“Š Interactive contribution graphs
  • πŸ” Advanced search and filtering
  • πŸ‘₯ Contributor statistics and timelines
  • πŸ”„ Real-time GitHub API synchronization
  • 🎨 Responsive design with theme support

πŸš€ Getting Started


  • Node.js 18+
  • npm 9+


git clone
cd yos-app
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run dev

πŸ“‚ Directory Structure

graph LR
    Root --> README[""]
    Root --> ConfigFiles["Config Files"]
    Root --> App
    Root --> Components
    Root --> Lib
    Root --> Public

    ConfigFiles --> ComponentsJSON["components.json"]
    ConfigFiles --> NextConfig["next.config.mjs"]
    ConfigFiles --> PackageJSON["package.json"]
    ConfigFiles --> PostCSS["postcss.config.mjs"]
    ConfigFiles --> Tailwind["tailwind.config.ts"]
    ConfigFiles --> TSConfig["tsconfig.json"]
    ConfigFiles --> ESLint[".eslintrc.json"]

    App --> Globals["globals.css"]
    App --> Layout["layout.tsx"]
    App --> Loading["loading.tsx"]
    App --> Page["page.tsx"]

    App --> About["about/"]
    About --> AboutPage["page.tsx"]

    App --> Fonts["fonts/"]
    Fonts --> Font1["ArbFONTS-ArbFONTS-Janna-LT-Bold.ttf"]
    Fonts --> Font2["ArbFONTS-ArbFONTS-Janna-LT-Regular.ttf"]
    Fonts --> Font3["ArbFONTS-JannaLT-Regular.ttf"]

    App --> Projects["projects/"]
    Projects --> ProjectID["[id]/"]
    ProjectID --> ProjectPage["page.tsx"]

    ProjectID --> Contributors["contributors/"]
    Contributors --> ContributorsPage["page.tsx"]

    Components --> AboutHero["about-hero.tsx"]
    Components --> ActivityTimeline["activity-timeline.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributionGraph["contribution-graph.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributorCard["contributor-card.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributorsChart["contributors-chart.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributorsHero["contributors-hero.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributorsStatistics["contributors-statistics.tsx"]
    Components --> ContributorsTimeline["contributors-timeline.tsx"]
    Components --> HeroBackground["hero-background.tsx"]
    Components --> HeroSection["hero-section.tsx"]
    Components --> Markdown["markdown.tsx"]
    Components --> Navbar["navbar.tsx"]
    Components --> PageTransition["page-transition.tsx"]
    Components --> ProjectBanner["project-banner.tsx"]
    Components --> ProjectCard["project-card.tsx"]
    Components --> ProjectsList["projects-list.tsx"]
    Components --> ProjectsLoading["projects-loading.tsx"]
    Components --> SearchFilters["search-filters.tsx"]
    Components --> Skeleton["skeleton.tsx"]
    Components --> SocialLinks["social-links.tsx"]
    Components --> ThemeProvider["theme-provider.tsx"]

    Components --> UI["ui/"]
    UI --> Avatar["avatar.tsx"]
    UI --> Badge["badge.tsx"]
    UI --> Button["button.tsx"]
    UI --> Card["card.tsx"]
    UI --> Dropdown["dropdown-menu.tsx"]
    UI --> Input["input.tsx"]
    UI --> Select["select.tsx"]
    UI --> Sheet["sheet.tsx"]
    UI --> UITabs["tabs.tsx"]
    UI --> Tooltip["tooltip.tsx"]

    Lib --> GitHubService["github-service.ts"]
    Lib --> LanguageContext["language-context.tsx"]
    Lib --> Types["types.ts"]
    Lib --> Utils["utils.ts"]

    Public --> Images["images/"]


πŸ”„ User Flow

    participant User
    participant UI
    participant API
    participant GitHub
    User->>UI: Access Home Page
    UI->>API: Fetch Projects
    API->>GitHub: Get Repositories
    GitHub-->>API: Return Repo Data
    API-->>UI: Display Projects
    User->>UI: Select Project
    UI->>API: Get Project Details
    API->>GitHub: Fetch Repo Info
    GitHub-->>API: Return Details
    API-->>UI: Show Project Page
    User->>UI: View Contributors
    UI->>API: Request Contributors
    API->>GitHub: Get Contributors
    GitHub-->>API: Contributor Data
    API-->>UI: Display Contributors

πŸ€– GitHub API Integration Flow

graph LR
    A[🌐 Client] -->|1️⃣ Request Projects| B[⚑ Next.js API]
    B -->|2️⃣ Check Cache| C[(πŸ—„οΈ Local Cache)]
    C --|βœ… Cache Hit|--> B
    C --|❌ Cache Miss|--> D[πŸ”„ GitHub API]
    D --|3️⃣ Fetch Data|--> B
    B --|4️⃣ Transform & Standardize|--> E[πŸ“Š Standardized Format]
    E --|5️⃣ Store in Cache & Return|--> A

    A --|6️⃣ Request Project Details|--> F[πŸ“‚ Project Page]
    F --|7️⃣ Fetch README|--> D
    F --|8️⃣ Get Contributors|--> D

πŸ›  Technologies Used

  • Next.js 15
  • React 19
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • GitHub API
  • Shadcn UI
  • Recharts
  • Framer Motion

🀝 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request