This is a Java implementation of Conway's Game of Life plus a new Infection phase.
The game works with the original rules until the infection phase which changes the rules to:
- Any dead cell with a single live neighbour lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with no horizontal or vertical live neighbours dies.
The main function can be found in
When running the game add the following parameters:
[width] [height] [infect-after] [max-generations] [seed]
Parameter | Description |
width | The width of the universe (int). |
height | The height of the universe (int). |
infect-after | The number of generations after which the infection stage will start (int). |
max-generations | The maximum number of generations that can be created. Including all phases of the game (int). |
seed | The initial state of the universe (int[] where 1=Alive, 0=Dead). |
3 3 5 10 "101001110"
For the initial state of :
After running the game will print the initial state and each generation in a seperate line to the stdout.