This is a NOT yet finished application. It has the base functionality done and a working UI, but there is still quite a bit to add. I create this application to get some experience with Spring at a kind of real world example instead of some smaller Hello World tutorials.
The purpose of this application is to track the time one used on a specific project. Since there is usually more than a single person working on said project, it is going to split between:
* Company
+ Project
* Coworker
* Timespan
I recently moved the UI to its own project, so that it's more strictly divided what belongs where. Also helps to compile the ExtJS files so instead of packacking 10 MB of data it shrinks down to a a few KB. You can find the UI source files at
Finished most unit tests for entity and dao classes. Found quite a few bugs and missing functionality. I also started to configure the integration test suite, which was a massive undertaking since not the whole functionality of the XML based configuration is covered for the pure Java based configuration. Add on top of that problems with OpenJPA + in memory database and I moved to DBUnit!
There is quite some stuff to add and fix. Ordered by priority / timeline:
* pmd / checkstyle (currently only used inside the IDE)
* Integration tests
* Continuous Integration (Jenkins) setup
* Code Review
* Spring Security
* Authentication
* Authorization