File/Folder tree below:
- Astro - SSR rendering mode with intent to host on Cloudflare (currently using cloudflare adapted)
- Solid JS - for Javascript components.
- Tailwind CSS
- Playwright - Component and E2E tests
- Vitest - Unit tests
- Vite-pwa - Generates the Service Worker for PWA (along with Astro adapter)
- Google Workbox - custom Service worker logic
Bible (bible)
Translation Notes (tn)
Translation Questions (tq)
Bible Commentary (bc)
Translation Words (tw)
Translation Manual (tm) Notes, bible, questions, and commentary share a template: Words and Manual have their own;
Example links:
- Bible = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_ulb
- TN = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_tn
- TQ = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_tq
- BC = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_bc
- TW = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_tw
- TM = http://localhost:4321/WycliffeAssociates/en_tm
These are cloudflare pages functions. All functions, for naming sake, are placed under the api route (file based routing). They can be tested locally using wrangler. Run the build and preview commands to fire up the functions server to run the app.
This is the folder that serves as the browser shell for any component testing
Assets not processed by Vite. Fonts, and PWA icons etc;
- Assets - assets (e.g. logos / images) processed by Vite
- Components - Naming convention currently is that each component gets its own folder. Supporting components (e.g. a button only used in other parent component) can also be placed in said folder. Components are put in a barrel and exported from src/components/index.tsx as named components for consistency
- Layouts - page layouts that can be used. Always astro files.
- Lib - Application code for interaction with api (i.e. serverless functions), utilities, route listing, internationalization helpers etc;
- Pages - Astro uses file based routing.
- Styles - Any non tailwind based css
- Translations - Each language gets a json file. These will be imported to application code lazily based on consistent naming of language codes. There should be an svg flag (some ex. flags here) of schema
.svg, and theindex.ts
file in the translations folder needs the bare minimum of its name and code added to the array as well. - Types - common or reused types. Other types are just next to source code as needed.
- pwa.js - basic registration logic (separate from behavior) for SW
- sw.ts - The custom service worker. Name and location must be consistent as placed in Astro.config
- e2e - uses Playwright.
- component testing - also playwright, but a few additional quirks worth readaing in docs. (currently experimental, but component testing isn't probably absolutely needed, Playwright Components. Vitest can also test components, and has the upper hand on speed, but playwright already ships a browser, so components can be tested under different window conditions.
- Unit Tests - Vitest:; Can theoretically be used to test anything that isn't an astro file (e.g. components), but currently tests primarily cover logic in the lib folder.
.dev.vars - Used as .env for local (wrangler) cloudflare bindings. see more)
manifest.ts - The pwa manifest
stats.html - There is a Vite/Rollup plugin to visualize bundle size in the vite build process. This is the output of that. Reasonable Performance budget suggests about ~100kib of HTML/CSS/Fonts (e.g. check network tab for amount loaded), and then ~300-350kib JS gzipped: Read more here: text
Config file - see respective tools for guides to their configs.
├── astro.config.mjs
├── functions
│ └── api/
├── manifest.ts
├── package.json
├── playwright
│ ├── index.html
│ └── index.ts
├── playwright-ct.config.ts
├── playwright.config.ts
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── public
│ ├── fonts/
│ ├── icons/
├── src
│ ├── assets
│ │ └── images/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── env.d.ts
│ ├── layouts/
│ ├── lib/
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── 404.astro
│ │ ├── index.astro
│ │ └── read
│ │ ├── [user]
│ │ │ └── [repo].astro
│ │ └── index.astro
│ ├── pwa.ts
│ ├── styles/
│ ├── sw.js
│ ├── translations/
│ └── types/
├── stats.html
├── tailwind.config.cjs
├── tests
│ ├── component/
│ ├── e2e/
│ └── unit/
├── tsconfig.json
└── vitest.config.ts