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Add Clojure CLI 'tool' functionality
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weavejester committed May 17, 2023
1 parent c327080 commit 77b8034
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Showing 5 changed files with 181 additions and 163 deletions.
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions cljfmt/deps.edn

This file was deleted.

15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions cljfmt/src/cljfmt/config.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
:parallel? false}))

(defn merge-configs
"Merge two cljfmt configuration maps together."
[a b]
(-> (merge a b)
(assoc :indents (merge (:indents a {}) (:indents b)))))
"Merge two or more cljfmt configuration maps together."
([a b]
(-> (merge a b)
(assoc :indents (merge (:indents a {}) (:indents b)))))
([a b & more]
(reduce merge-configs (merge-configs a b) more)))

(defn- filename-ext [file]
(let [filename (str file)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +56,5 @@
([] (load-config ""))
(some->> (find-config-file path)
(merge-configs default-config))))
(merge-configs default-config
(some-> (find-config-file path) read-config))))
171 changes: 22 additions & 149 deletions cljfmt/src/cljfmt/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,151 +1,11 @@
(ns cljfmt.main
"Functionality to apply formatting to a given project."
(:require [cljfmt.config :as config]
[cljfmt.core :as cljfmt]
[cljfmt.diff :as diff]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[cljfmt.tool :as tool]
[ :as io]
[clojure.stacktrace :as st]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as cli])

(defn- abort [& msg]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(when (seq msg)
(apply println msg))
(System/exit 1)))

(defn- warn [& args]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply println args)))

(defn- relative-path [^ dir ^ file]
(-> (.toAbsolutePath (.toPath dir))
(.relativize (.toAbsolutePath (.toPath file)))

(defn- grep [re dir]
(filter #(re-find re (relative-path dir %)) (file-seq (io/file dir))))

(defn- find-files [{:keys [file-pattern]} f]
(let [f (io/file f)]
(when-not (.exists f) (abort "No such file:" (str f)))
(if (.isDirectory f)
(grep file-pattern f)

(defn- reformat-string [options s]
((cljfmt/wrap-normalize-newlines #(cljfmt/reformat-string % options)) s))

(defn- project-path [{:keys [project-root]} file]
(-> project-root (or ".") io/file (relative-path (io/file file))))

(defn- format-diff
([options file]
(let [original (slurp (io/file file))]
(format-diff options file original (reformat-string options original))))
([options file original revised]
(let [filename (project-path options file)
diff (diff/unified-diff filename original revised)]
(if (:ansi? options)
(diff/colorize-diff diff)

(def ^:private zero-counts {:okay 0, :incorrect 0, :error 0})

(defn- check-one [options file]
(let [original (slurp file)
status {:counts zero-counts :file file}]
(let [revised (reformat-string options original)]
(if (not= original revised)
(-> status
(assoc-in [:counts :incorrect] 1)
(assoc :diff (format-diff options file original revised)))
(assoc-in status [:counts :okay] 1)))
(catch Exception ex
(-> status
(assoc-in [:counts :error] 1)
(assoc :exception ex))))))

(defn- print-stack-trace [ex]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(st/print-stack-trace ex)))

(defn- print-file-status [options status]
(let [path (project-path options (:file status))]
(when-let [ex (:exception status)]
(warn "Failed to format file:" path)
(print-stack-trace ex))
(when (:reformatted status)
(println "Reformatting" path))
(when-let [diff (:diff status)]
(warn path "has incorrect formatting")
(warn diff))))

(defn- exit [counts]
(when-not (zero? (:error counts 0))
(System/exit 2))
(when-not (zero? (:incorrect counts 0))
(System/exit 1)))

(defn- print-final-count [counts]
(let [error (:error counts 0)
incorrect (:incorrect counts 0)]
(when-not (zero? error)
(warn error "file(s) could not be parsed for formatting"))
(when-not (zero? incorrect)
(warn incorrect "file(s) formatted incorrectly"))
(when (and (zero? incorrect) (zero? error))
(println "All source files formatted correctly"))))

(defn- merge-counts
([] zero-counts)
([a] a)
([a b] (merge-with + a b)))

(defn check
"Checks that the Clojure files contained in `paths` follow the formatting
(as per `options`)."
(check paths {}))
([paths options]
(let [map* (if (:parallel? options) pmap map)
counts (->> paths
(mapcat (partial find-files options))
(map* (partial check-one options))
(map (fn [status]
(print-file-status options status)
(:counts status)))
(reduce merge-counts))]
(print-final-count counts)
(exit counts))))

(defn- fix-one [options file]
(let [original (slurp file)]
(let [revised (reformat-string options original)]
(if (not= original revised)
(do (spit file revised)
{:file file :reformatted true})
{:file file}))
(catch Exception e
{:file file :exception e}))))

(defn fix
"Applies the formatting (as per `options`) to the Clojure files
contained in `paths`."
(fix paths {}))
([paths options]
(let [map* (if (:parallel? options) pmap map)]
(->> paths
(mapcat (partial find-files options))
(map* (partial fix-one options))
(map (partial print-file-status options))

(defn- cli-options [defaults]
[[nil "--help"]
[nil "--parallel"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,23 +47,36 @@
:default (:sort-ns-references? defaults)
:id :sort-ns-references?]])

(defn- abort [& msg]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(when (seq msg)
(apply println msg))
(System/exit 1)))

(defn- file-exists? [path]
(.exists (io/as-file path)))

(defn- abort-if-files-missing [paths]
(when-some [missing (some (complement file-exists?) paths)]
(abort "No such file:" (str missing))))

(defn -main [& args]
(let [base-opts (config/load-config)
parsed-opts (cli/parse-opts args (cli-options base-opts))
[cmd & paths] (:arguments parsed-opts)
options (config/merge-configs base-opts (:options parsed-opts))
paths (or (seq paths) (filter file-exists? (:paths base-opts)))]
options (-> (config/merge-configs base-opts parsed-opts)
(dissoc :arguments)
(update :paths into paths))]
(if (:errors parsed-opts)
(abort (:errors parsed-opts))
(if (or (nil? cmd) (:help options))
(do (println "cljfmt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [PATHS ...]")
(println (:summary parsed-opts)))
(do (case cmd
"check" (check paths options)
"fix" (fix paths options)
(abort "Unknown cljfmt command:" cmd))
(when (:parallel? options)
(let [cmdf (case cmd
"check" tool/check-no-config
"fix" tool/fix-no-config
(abort "Unknown cljfmt command:" cmd))]
(abort-if-files-missing paths)
(cmdf options)
(when (:parallel? options)
143 changes: 143 additions & 0 deletions cljfmt/src/cljfmt/tool.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
(ns cljfmt.tool
(:require [cljfmt.config :as config]
[cljfmt.core :as cljfmt]
[cljfmt.diff :as diff]
[ :as io]
[clojure.stacktrace :as st]))

(defn- warn [& args]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply println args)))

(defn- relative-path [^ dir ^ file]
(-> (.toAbsolutePath (.toPath dir))
(.relativize (.toAbsolutePath (.toPath file)))

(defn- grep [re dir]
(filter #(re-find re (relative-path dir %)) (file-seq (io/file dir))))

(defn- find-files [{:keys [file-pattern]} f]
(let [f (io/file f)]
(when (.exists f)
(if (.isDirectory f)
(grep file-pattern f)

(defn- reformat-string [options s]
((cljfmt/wrap-normalize-newlines #(cljfmt/reformat-string % options)) s))

(defn- project-path [{:keys [project-root]} file]
(-> project-root (or ".") io/file (relative-path (io/file file))))

(defn- format-diff
([options file]
(let [original (slurp (io/file file))]
(format-diff options file original (reformat-string options original))))
([options file original revised]
(let [filename (project-path options file)
diff (diff/unified-diff filename original revised)]
(if (:ansi? options)
(diff/colorize-diff diff)

(def ^:private zero-counts {:okay 0, :incorrect 0, :error 0})

(defn- check-one [options file]
(let [original (slurp file)
status {:counts zero-counts :file file}]
(let [revised (reformat-string options original)]
(if (not= original revised)
(-> status
(assoc-in [:counts :incorrect] 1)
(assoc :diff (format-diff options file original revised)))
(assoc-in status [:counts :okay] 1)))
(catch Exception ex
(-> status
(assoc-in [:counts :error] 1)
(assoc :exception ex))))))

(defn- print-stack-trace [ex]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(st/print-stack-trace ex)))

(defn- print-file-status [options status]
(let [path (project-path options (:file status))]
(when-let [ex (:exception status)]
(warn "Failed to format file:" path)
(print-stack-trace ex))
(when (:reformatted status)
(println "Reformatting" path))
(when-let [diff (:diff status)]
(warn path "has incorrect formatting")
(warn diff))))

(defn- exit [counts]
(when-not (zero? (:error counts 0))
(System/exit 2))
(when-not (zero? (:incorrect counts 0))
(System/exit 1)))

(defn- print-final-count [counts]
(let [error (:error counts 0)
incorrect (:incorrect counts 0)]
(when-not (zero? error)
(warn error "file(s) could not be parsed for formatting"))
(when-not (zero? incorrect)
(warn incorrect "file(s) formatted incorrectly"))
(when (and (zero? incorrect) (zero? error))
(println "All source files formatted correctly"))))

(defn- merge-counts
([] zero-counts)
([a] a)
([a b] (merge-with + a b)))

(defn check-no-config
"The same as `check`, but ignores dotfile configuration."
(let [map* (if (:parallel? options) pmap map)
counts (->> (:paths options)
(mapcat (partial find-files options))
(map* (partial check-one options))
(map (fn [status]
(print-file-status options status)
(:counts status)))
(reduce merge-counts))]
(print-final-count counts)
(exit counts)))

(defn check
"Checks that the Clojure paths specified by the :paths option are
correctly formatted."
(let [opts (config/merge-configs (config/load-config) options)]
(check-no-config opts)))

(defn- fix-one [options file]
(let [original (slurp file)]
(let [revised (reformat-string options original)]
(if (not= original revised)
(do (spit file revised)
{:file file :reformatted true})
{:file file}))
(catch Exception e
{:file file :exception e}))))

(defn fix-no-config
"The same as `fix`, but ignores dotfile configuration."
(let [map* (if (:parallel? options) pmap map)]
(->> (:paths options)
(mapcat (partial find-files options))
(map* (partial fix-one options))
(map (partial print-file-status options))

(defn fix
"Fixes the formatting for all files specified by the :paths option."
(let [opts (config/merge-configs (config/load-config) options)]
(fix-no-config opts)))
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{:tools/usage {:ns-default cljfmt.tool}
:paths ["cljfmt/src" "cljfmt/resources"]
{org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
org.clojure/tools.cli {:mvn/version "1.0.214"}
org.clojure/tools.reader {:mvn/version "1.3.6"} {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
rewrite-clj/rewrite-clj {:mvn/version "1.1.45"}}}

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