Drupal Commerce settings for the Pacific Yearly Meeting 2014 online registration.
The following products will need to be defined to collect information relevant to specific registrant types.
- Weekly Registration (overnight lodgings, whole event)
- Daily Registration (specified days, overnight)
- Commuter Registration (no overnight)
Fees will be calculated based on the
- age group and
- specified accommodations.
Fees will be calculated based on the
- age group,
- specified accommodations, and
- specified days.
Fees will be calculated based on
- age group and
- specified days.
There will be an optional charge for linens.
Early registrants will get a percentage based discount, while late registrants will be charged an additional percentage.
Weekly Registrations have the following fields/widgets:
- Age range (term reference) - select
- Accommodations (term reference) - select
Daily Registrations have the following fields/widgets:
- Age range (term reference) - select
- Days (term reference) - checkboxes
Commuter Registrations have the following fields/widgets:
- Age range (term reference) - select
- Days (term reference) - checkboxes
The following fields will collect registrant information:
- First Name
- Last Name
- (Full Name?)
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Postal code
The following payment options will be available, or are under consideration:
- Pay later - by check, cash, etc.
- Dwolla - like check/cash but over web
Back office consists of support staff for the registration process and website.
Roles for the back office include:
- Registraits
- Administrators