This repo represents a collections of explainers, problem spaced, proposals, and use cases for the browser specs known as "web components". While based around the core specs of custom elements, shadow DOM, and the template element, a growing collection of features come together to deliver the capabilities of this space to developers; element internals, constructible style sheets, adoptedStyleSheets, import assertions, and more. To facilitate conversation and education, I attempt to open stand along branches with each proposal, but in the rare case a proposal is dropped, or in the rarer case a proposal moves on to bigger and better things, I'll look to merge them back to main as a point in time reference.
The following are a list of things that I think are interesting that I'll be attempting to formulate thoughts on in other branches:
- aria attribute reflection
- custom element modules
- declarative custom elements
- declarative web components
- templating
The more formal any of these ideas become the more likely I am to formalize this main
branch to support communicating things like status, progress, goals, etc.